About OECD

THE OECD – Who we are, what we do The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation comprised of 38 member countries, that works to build better policies for better lives. Our mission is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. Together with governments, policy makers and citizens, we work on establishing evidence-based international standards, and finding solutions to a range of social, economic and environmental challenges. From improving economic performance and creating jobs to fostering strong education and fighting international tax evasion, we provide a unique forum and knowledge hub for data and analysis, exchange of experiences, best-practice sharing, and advice on public policies and international standard-setting.

110 Job openings in Oecd

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LA DIRECTION EXCUTIVE (EXD) La Direction excutive (EXD) est lintendante des ressources de lOCDE au nom du Secrtaire gnral. Nous nous concentrons sur les personnes et leur bientre la gestion efficace et efficiente du budget la scurit du personnel des dlgations des visiteurs et des More...

Employer Active Posted on 31 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply
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THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORATE (EXD) The Executive Directorate (EXD) is the steward of OECD resources on behalf of the SecretaryGeneral. Our focus is on people and their wellbeing; the effective and efficient management of the budget; the safety and security of staff Delegations visit More...

Employer Active Posted on 31 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply
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LA DIRECTION EXCUTIVE (EXD) La Direction excutive (EXD) est lintendante des ressources de lOCDE au nom du Secrtaire gnral. Nous nous concentrons sur les personnes et leur bientre la gestion efficace et efficiente du budget la scurit du personnel des dlgations des visiteurs et des More...

Employer Active Posted on 31 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply
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Main ResponsibilitiesResearch analysis and drafting Contribute to reports covering various trends in the global steel or shipbuilding sector and/or regarding industrial decarbonisation.Participate in the analysis of policy trends across various areas including competition subsidies a More...

Employer Active Posted on 29 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply

Responsabilits principalesRecherche analyse et rdaction Prter son concours llaboration des rapports consacrs aux diverses volutions du secteur mondial de lacier ou de la construction navale et/ou la dcarbonation de lindustrie.Contribuer lanalyse de lvolution de laction des pouvoirs More...

Employer Active Posted on 29 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply

Analyste Des Politiques

Oecd - Paris France
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Responsabilits principales Gestion et coordination  Veiller ce que des contributions de qualit soient fournies en temps voulu pour rpondre aux demandes du Cabinet du Secrtaire gnral du Bureau du Directeur et de la Division du Moyen Orient Afrique Dispenser des con More...

Employer Active Posted on 15 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply

Policy Analyst

Oecd - Paris France
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Main Responsibilities Management and Coordination Lead the MEA Strategic Coordination Unit to ensure timely and highquality contributions to requests from the Office of the SecretaryGeneral (OSG) Directorate for Operations (DO) and MEA. Provide strategic advice on the d More...

Employer Active Posted on 15 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply
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Main Responsibilities Web presence and online strategy Improve the structure and functionality of the ACN web presenceUpdate and maintain the ACN web pages. This includes presenting material online in a way that maximises visibility and discoverability in line with the OECD corporate More...

Employer Active Posted on 15 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply

Responsabilits principalesDirection stratgique gestion et coordinationContribuer lexcution du Programme de travail et budget (PTB) de lOrganisation et la concrtisation des orientations stratgiques notamment en ce qui concerne les politiques et pratiques de lAgence et la formulation More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply

Main ResponsibilitiesLeadership Management and CoordinationSupport the effective implementation of the Organisations Programme of Work and Budget (PWB) and the advancement of the strategic outcomes in particular as they relate to the Agencys policies and practices and in developing cl More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply
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The TUAC Secretariat is looking for a Policy Advisor with responsibility for a broad set of policy issues including responsible business conduct and corporate governance. The selected person will report to the General Secretary of the TUAC.Main ResponsibilitiesPolicy analysis and rese More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply

Le secrtariat du TUAC recherche un(e) conseiller(re) politique responsable dun large ventail de questions politiques y compris la conduite responsable des entreprises et la gouvernance dentreprise. La personne slectionne rendra compte la Secrtaire gnrale du TUAC.Responsabilits princi More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply

Internship Programme

Oecd - Paris France
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The OECD Internship Programme is designed to bring highly qualified and motivated students with diverse backgrounds into the Organisation to work on projects linked to the Strategic Orientations of the SecretaryGeneral and to support the corporate functions of the Organisation. Its ma More...

Employer Active Posted on 07 Jan | Intern | Easy Apply

Le Programme De Stages

Oecd - Paris France
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Le Programme de stages de lOCDE est conu pour permettre des tudiants aux profils varis de mettre leurs comptences et leur motivation au service de lOrganisation en collaborant des projets en lien avec les Orientations stratgiques du Secrtaire gnral et en prtant appui aux fonctions i More...

Employer Active Posted on 07 Jan | Intern | Easy Apply
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Responsabilits principalesLe ou la chef(fe) de projet Apprentissage et dveloppement contribuera au pilotage de llaboration et de la mise en uvre de stratgies dapprentissage propices lvolution professionnelle et au perfectionnement des membres du personnel. Son rle consistera pour les More...

Employer Active Posted on 03 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply
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LE POSTE Le Groupe de la gestion des contributions volontaires recherche un Responsables de la gestion des contributions volontaires pour travailler dans lunit Vrification Acceptation et Administration au sein de la Division de gestion des contributions volontaires. En sa qualit More...

Employer Active Posted on 03 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply
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Main ResponsibilitiesThe L&D Project Manager will contribute in driving the development and implementation of learning strategies that support the growth and development of our employees. This role will focus on managing and delivering two yearly leadership programmes overseeing l More...

Employer Active Posted on 03 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply
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The VCM Group is looking for a VC Management Officer for the Review Acceptance and Administration (RAA) Section within the Voluntary Contributions Management Division. As part of the RAA Section the selected candidate will contribute to the review administration and coordination of vo More...

Employer Active Posted on 25 Dec | Full-time | Easy Apply
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THE POSTIONEXD/PBF/PWM is looking for Corporate Finance Officers to work in one of the Management Support Groups (MSGs) or in PWM transversal unit. The selected candidates will report to a team lead and will contribute to the programme coordination and financial resource planning and More...

Employer Active Posted on 25 Dec | Full-time | Easy Apply

Legal Advisor

Oecd - Paris France
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Main ResponsibilitiesLegal advice to staff membersProvide tailored legal advice to members of staff asking for the Staff Associations support.In the context of dealing with individual requests for advice from staff members collaborate effectively with other OECD resources (Human resou More...

Employer Active Posted on 25 Dec | Full-time | Easy Apply