Purchasing executives focus on buying goods materials and services on our behalf for the daily running of our establishment. They are in charge of researching vendors examining prospective suppliers and negotiating pricing and contract terms.
Purchasing executives do more than just buy goods and services for our company. They protect the interest of our establishment by buying at the right time for the right price.
By observing the market to identify supply patterns trends and changes purchase executives try to ensure that our business gets optimal value for the amount you ve spent on a supply.
1. Identify Evaluate and select suppliers based on quality cost and reliability.
2. Negotiate best contracts and agreements for the company.
3. Establish and maintain strong relationships with Critical suppliers.
4. Analyze market trends for better purchase decisions.
5. Negotiate price for better cost saving.
6. Identify and mitigate risks.
7. Monitor and evaluate supplier performance.
8. Develop and manage budget for procurement activities.
Bachelor s degree in Business Administration Marketing or a related field.
suppliers,purchasing,supply,procurement,supplier performance