LICIQ s una de les principals institucions lders mundials reconegudes internacionalment en el camp de la qumica compromesa amb la resoluci dels grans reptes socials i econmics mitjanant la realitzaci dinvestigacions dalta qualitat en tres rees principals: Catlisi Sostenible Energies Renovables i Salut. Linstitut tamb t com a objectiu formar la futura generaci de cientfics oferint programes educatius dalta qualitat a estudiants de mster doctorat i investigadors postdoctorals (tots els detalls sobre ).
Exercir lalta direcci de les activitats empresarials de la Fundaci sota la dependncia orgnica directa del Director i del Patronat.
Lideratge de la comunitat ICIQ.
Gesti econmica comptable i pressupostria junt amb la persona responsable del departament financer.
Organitzaci administrativa de lInstitut.
Gesti dels recursos humans de la Fundaci i les relacions laborals
Detecci de les necessitats derivades de lactivitat dels Grups de Recerca de lInstitut i de la resta drees i unitats des del punt de vista econmic i administratiu.
Establiment de relacions clau amb els grups dinters (centres de recerca empreses centres tecnolgics i universitats etc) amb rgans de govern i organitzacions collaboradores ( ajuntaments organitzacions socials etc.).
Desenvolupar i consolidar xarxes i aliances estratgiques i maximitzar les collaboracions entre ICIQ i institucions de recerca rellevants a nivell local nacional i internacional.
Capitalitzar els punts forts institucionals dels socis dins de les xarxes iCERCA BIST i SOMMA.
Treballar amb lEquip de Gesti i lEquip de Suport a la Recerca per assegurar leficincia operacional i la gesti financera adequada de totes les activitats que es desenvolupin a linstitut.
Garantir els ms alts estndards dintegritat transparncia i compliment dels requisits legislatius i reguladors relatius a la Funci Pblica que regula els centres de recerca a Catalunya i fer complir la Llei de La Cincia.
Continutat amb el comproms social del centre des de tres vessants: com a actor que vol contribuir en la seva recerca per fer un mn ms sostenible i donar suport a les iniciatives de recerca i empresarials del territori com a instituci que forma al personal investigador que continuar i liderar aquesta investigaci en el futur; i com a agent que vol educar i donar a conixer la investigaci de lICIQ entre la ciutadania especialment entre la joventut i aix construir una conscincia social sobre la importncia de la investigaci qumica en lmbit de la sostenibilitat.
Servir de portaveu de lICIQ davant dactors clau inclosos els mitjans de comunicaci i collaboradors de la participaci pblica i privada.
Qualsevol altra funci que pugui aprovar el Director i el Patronat.
Titulaci acadmica de Doctor/a en qumica.
Coneixement oral i escrit de la llengua catalana: Nivell C.
Coneixement oral i escrit de la llengua anglesa nivell avanat.
Coneixement oral i escrit de la llengua castellana nivell avanat
Ser nacional de qualsevol dels Estats membres de la Uni Europea o dels estats als que en virtut de tractats Internacionals subscrits per la Uni Europea i ratificats per Espanya s daplicaci la lliure circulaci de treballadors.
Coneixement del sistema de recerca catal espanyol i europeu.
Experincia professional prvia en el sistema catal de recerca.
Tenir la capacitat pel desenvolupament de les funcions del lloc de treball:
o Experincia demostrable dalmenys 1 any en establir associacions estratgiques i en gesti de persones de lmbit de la recerca. Es valorar el coneixement del sistema iCERCA.
Experincia demostrable dalmenys 1 any liderant estratgies comunicatives i de divulgaci cientfica al pblic en general i a personal de recerca en particular.
Mnim 10 anys dexperincia en una instituci de recerca. Es valorar positivament el coneixement del sistema iCERCA.
Disseny responsable diniciatives que hagin contribut a la comprensi implicaci i millora de personal investigador.
Experincia demostrable en el suport de personal investigador en el seu desenvolupament educatiu i professional.
Qualitats i habilitats valorades:
Forta visi estratgica de lmbit de la recerca a Catalunya.
Capacitat per treballar i dirigir entorns complexos amb mltiples grups dinters relacionat amb la gesti de projectes de recerca i equips de persones.
Capacitat de gestionar entorns complexos formats per equips multidisciplinaris.
Integritat laboral
Capacitat de lideratge
Contracte permanent de treball a jornada completa.
Retribuci dacord amb la qualificaci/experincia de la persona.
Salari fraccionat en dotze mensualitats
Incorporaci: Immediata
Principis OTMR en els processos de selecci
LICIQ segueix els principis de contractaci oberta transparent i basada en el mrit (OTMR) i el Codi de conducta per a la contractaci dinvestigadors establerts per la Comissi Europea.
LICIQ segueix en el seu procs de selecci una poltica digualtat doportunitats de gnere i una poltica de no discriminaci per ra dedat origen tnic o social religi o creences orientaci sexual llengua i discapacitat.
LICIQ es compromet a promoure la conciliaci de la vida laboral i familiar dels seus empleats i com a tal ofereix flexibilitat horria.
Procs de selecci
El procs de selecci de lICIQ sol comportar les segents fases:
Preselecci: El procs de preselecci es basar en la qualificaci i lexpertesa reflectides en el currculum dels candidats. Aquesta fase es basa en mrits.
Entrevista: Els candidats preseleccionats seran entrevistats pel responsable de contractaci del lloc i el Comit de Selecci designat.
Carta doferta: Un cop seleccionat el candidat seleccionat la Unitat de Persones ampliar una Oferta de Treball especificant el dia dinici el salari i les condicions generals del lloc de treball.
Per a ms informaci pots visitar la nostra pgina de HR Excellence in Research (
Administrative Director (Ref: MGMT 202405)
ICIQ is one of the worlds internationally recognized leading institutions in the field of chemistry committed to solving major social and economic challenges by conducting top quality research in three main areas: SustainableCatalysisRenewable Energy and Health. The institute also aims at training the future generation of scientists by offering highquality educational programs to master PhD students and postdoctoral researchers (full details on ).
To exercise the senior management of the Foundations business activities as well as the direct organic dependence of the Director and the Board of Trustees.
Leadership of the ICIQ community.
Economic accounting and press management together with the person responsible for the financial department.
Administrative organisation of the Institute.
Management of the Foundations human resources and labour relations.
Detection of the needs derived from the activity of the Institutes Research Groups and the rest of the areas and units from the economic and administrative point of view.
Establishment of close relations with interest groups (research centres companies technological and university centres etc.) with government bodies and collaborating organisations (associations social organisations etc.).
Develop and consolidate strategic networks and alliances and maximise collaborations between ICIQ and relevant local national and international research institutions.
Capitalise on the institutional strengths of partners within the iCERCA BIST and SOMMA networks.
Work with the Management Team and the Research Support Team to ensure operational efficiency and sound financial management of all activities within the institute.
To guarantee the highest standards of integrity transparency and compliance with the legislative and regulatory requirements relating to the Public Function that regulates research centres in Catalonia and to enforce compliance with the Law of Science.
Continuity with the social commitment of the centre from three perspectives: as an actor that wants to contribute in its research to make a more sustainable world and support research and business initiatives in the territory; as an institution that trains the research staff that will continue and lead this research in the future; and as an agent that wants to educate and make ICIQs research known among the citizens especially among young people and thus build a greater awareness of the ICIQs work.
To serve as a spokesperson for the ICIQ to key actors including the media and collaborators in public and private participation.
Any other function that may be approved by the Director and the Board of Trustees.
Academic qualification of PhD in chemistry.
Oral and written knowledge of Catalan: Level C.
Advanced oral and written knowledge of English.
Advanced oral and written knowledge of Spanish.
Be a national of any of the Member States of the European Union or of the states to which by virtue of international treaties signed by the European Union and ratified by Spain the free movement of workers is applicable.
Knowledge of the Catalan Spanish and European research system.
Previous professional experience in the Catalan research system.
Ability to carry out the functions of the job:
Demonstrable experience of at least 1 year in establishing strategic partnerships and in managing people in the field of research. Knowledge of the iCERCA system will be an asset.
Demonstrable experience of at least 1 year leading communication strategies and scientific dissemination to the general public and to research staff in particular.
At least 10 years of experience in a research institution. Knowledge of the iCERCA system will be an asset.
Responsible design of initiatives that have contributed to the understanding involvement and improvement of research staff.
Demonstrable experience in supporting research staff in their educational and professional development.
Valued qualities and skills:
Strong strategic vision of the research field in Catalonia.
Ability to work in and manage complex environments with multiple stakeholders related to the management of research projects and teams of people.
Ability to manage complex environments formed by multidisciplinary teams.
Integrity at work
Leadership skills
We offer:
A permanent fulltime employment contract.
Remuneration according to individuals qualification/experience.
Salary split in twelve monthly payments.
Incorporation: Immediate.
OTMR principles in the selection processes
ICIQ follows the principles of Open Transparent and Meritbased Recruitment (OTMR) and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers as established by the European Commission.
ICIQ follows in its selection process a gender equality opportunity policy and a nondiscrimination policy on the basis of age ethnic or social origin religion or belief sexual orientation language and disability.
ICIQ is committed to promoting a worklife balance for its employees and as such offers flexible working hours.
Selection Process
ICIQs selection process usually entails the following phases:
Preselection: The preselection process will be based on qualifications and expertise as reflected on the candidates CVs. This phase is meritbased.
Interview: Preselected candidates will be interviewed by the Hiring Manager of the position and the appointed Selection Committee.
Offer Letter: Once the successful candidate is selected the People Unit will extend a Job Offer specifying the start day salary and overall job conditions.
For further information you can visit our HR Excellence in Research page at: HR Excellence in Research (
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