Main Accountabilities
The Shifts Supervisor is directly responsible for the personnel and activities of the plant operations shift teams. / Vardiya Amiri tesis operasyon vardiya ekiplerinin personelinden ve faaliyetlerinden dorudan sorumludur.
His primary functions his to manage the shifts in order to ensure a convenient tracking of the plant performance and accurate identification and reporting of operational issues and way of improvement. / Temel ilevi tesis performansnn uygun ekilde izlenmesini ve operasyonel sorunlarn doru bir ekilde belirlenmesini ve raporlanmasn salamak iin vardiyalar ynetmektir.
The Shifts supervisor is in continuous contract with the shift leaders giving them the necessary instruction in order to increase their performance. / Vardiya Amiri performanslarn artrmak iin gerekli talimatlar vererek vardiya liderleriyle srekli iletiim halindedir.
Detailed Job Description/Detayl Tanm
- Follow the Operations Managers instructions and support them in efficiently managing plant operations./ Operasyon Mdrnn talimatlarn takip edin ve tesisin operasyonlarn verimli bir ekilde ynetmesinde destek olun.
- Assist the Operations Manager with daily activities./ Operasyon Mdrne gnlk faaliyetlerinde yardmc olun.
- Maintain continuous contact with shift leaders. / Vardiya liderleriyle srekli iletiim halinde olun.
- Oversee and coordinate plant operations activities. / Tesis operasyon faaliyetlerini denetleyin ve koordine edin.
- Provide leadership and guidance to shift leaders and their team members. / Vardiya liderlerine ve ekip yelerine liderlik ve rehberlik salayn.
- Evaluate shift performance to identify strengths and weaknesses; provide guidance to improve skills and knowledge. / Gl ve zayf ynleri belirlemek iin vardiya performansn deerlendirin; beceri ve bilgileri gelitirmek iin rehberlik salayn.
- Organize and coordinate shift rotations. / Vardiya rotasyonlarn dzenleyin ve koordine edin.
- Monitor and track plant performance. / Tesis performansn izleyin ve takip edin.
- Analyze plant data to identify potential issues derivatives and areas for improvement. / Potansiyel sorunlar trevleri ve iyiletirme alanlarn belirlemek iin tesis verilerini analiz edin.
- Review operational reports to ensure accuracy. / Doruluu salamak iin operasyonel raporlar gzden geirin.
- Define strategies to optimize plant performance. / Tesis performansn optimize etmek iin stratejiler belirleyin.
- Identify operational issues and report them to the manager. / Operasyonel sorunlar tespit edin ve yneticiye bildirin.
- Develop accurate and temporary solutions to ensure maximum plant availability. / Maksimum tesis kullanlabilirliini salamak iin doru ve geici zmler gelitirin.
- Ensure accuracy of shift log updates and operational reports. / Vardiya gnlk gncellemelerinin ve operasyonel raporlarn doruluunu salayn.
- Control the effectiveness of site tours and conduct regular site inspections. / Saha turlarnn etkinliini kontrol edin ve dzenli saha denetimleri yapn.
- Report housekeeping issues and coordinate site cleaning requirements accordingly. / Temizlik sorunlarn bildirin ve buna gre saha temizlik gereksinimlerini koordine edin.
- Ensure application of best practices related to WTE operations. / Atktan enerji retimi operasyonlaryla ilgili en iyi uygulamalarn uygulanmasn salayn.
- Ensure proper shift handovers. / Uygun vardiya devirlerini salayn.
- Support teams in organizing annual technical shutdowns and attend plant transition phases (shutdown and startup processes) to ensure compliance with existing and applicable procedures. / Yllk teknik durularn organizasyonunda ekiplere destek olun ve mevcut ve geerli prosedrlere uygunluu salamak iin tesis gei aamalarna (kapatma ve balatma sreleri) katln.
- Ensure application of existing procedures review and improve them when necessary. Implement new procedures as needed. / Mevcut prosedrlerin uygulanmasn salayn gerektiinde gzden geirin ve iyiletirin. htiya duyulduunda yeni prosedrler uygulayn.
- Ensure compliance and exemplary behavior regarding health safety and environment. / Salk gvenlik ve evre konularnda uyum ve rnek davran sergileyin.
- Ensure compliance with company policies and procedures. / irket politika ve prosedrlerine uygunluu salayn.
- Coordinate shifts to ensure efficient emergency response. / Etkili acil durum mdahalesi salamak iin vardiyalar koordine edin.
- Provide oncall answers and onsite support outside of working hours when necessary. / Gerektiinde alma saatleri dnda nbeti cevaplar ve yerinde destek salayn.
- Ensure compliance with applicable regulations. / Geerli ynetmeliklere uygunluu salayn.
Qualifications :
- Bachelors degree in Engineering Operations Management or a related field. / Mhendislik Operasyon Ynetimi veya ilgili bir alanda lisans derecesi.
- Minimum of 8 years of experience in plant operations preferably in the wastetoenergy or power generation industry. / Tercihen atktan enerji retimi veya enerji retimi sektrnde olmak zere tesis operasyonlarnda en az 8 yl deneyim.
- At least 8 years of operational experience in the wastetoenergy sector including technical and operational monitoring. A handson approach and constant communication with teams are of paramount importance. Experience in managing shift schedules and resources is also necessary./ Atktan enerjiye dnm sektrnde en az 8 yllk operasyonel deneyim teknik ve operasyonel izleme dahil. Sahada pratik yaklam ve ekiplerle srekli iletiim byk nem tamaktadr. Vardiya programlarn ve kaynaklar ynetme konusunda deneyim de gereklidir.
- Proven leadership experience in managing shift teams and coordinating operations. / Vardiya ekiplerini ynetme ve operasyonlar koordine etmede kantlanm liderlik deneyimi.
- Strong knowledge of plant operations performance metrics and optimization strategies. / Tesis operasyonlar performans metrikleri ve optimizasyon stratejileri konusunda gl bilgi.
- Proficiency in using plant management software and data analysis tools. / Tesis ynetimi yazlmlar ve veri analiz aralarn kullanma konusunda yetkinlik.
- Demonstrated experience in implementing and improving operational procedures. / Operasyonel prosedrleri uygulama ve iyiletirme konusunda kantlanm deneyim.
- Thorough understanding of health safety and environmental regulations in the industry. / Sektrdeki salk gvenlik ve evre dzenlemeleri hakknda kapsaml anlay.
- Experience in emergency response coordination and crisis management. / Acil durum mdahale koordinasyonu ve kriz ynetimi konusunda deneyim.
- Familiarity with relevant industry standards and best practices in wastetoenergy operations. / Atktan enerji retimi operasyonlarnda ilgili endstri standartlar ve en iyi uygulamalar hakknda bilgi sahibi olmak.
- Proficiency in Turkish language is a plus. / Trke dil yeterlilii bir avantajdr.
Additional Information :
Personal Attributes
- Strong leadership and mentoring skills / Gl liderlik ve mentorluk becerileri
- Excellent analytical and problemsolving abilities / Mkemmel analitik ve problem zme yetenekleri
- Outstanding communication skills / stn iletiim becerileri
- Strong organizational and time management skills / Gl organizasyon ve zaman ynetimi becerileri
- Ability to work under pressure and make quick decisions / Bask altnda alabilme ve hzl karar verebilme yetenei
- Proactive and resultsoriented mindset / Proaktif ve sonu odakl dnce yaps
- High level of integrity and safety consciousness / Yksek dzeyde drstlk ve gvenlik bilinci
- Adaptability to changing operational needs / Deien operasyonel ihtiyalara uyum salayabilme
- Strong attention to detail / Detaylara gl dikkat
- Collaborative team player / birliki takm oyuncusu
- Selfmotivated and independent worker / Kendi kendini motive eden ve bamsz alabilen
- Resilient and calm under stress / Stres altnda dayankl ve sakin
- Cultural sensitivity / Kltrel duyarllk
- Commitment to continuous learning and improvement / Srekli renme ve geliime ballk
As an inclusive company Veolia is committed to diversity and gives equal consideration to all applications without discrimination.
The preceding description is not designed to be a complete or exhaustive list of all duties and responsibilities that will be carried out by the selected candidate.
Veolia Middle East does not and shall not discriminate in any forms in its recruitment processes.
Remote Work :
Employment Type :