drjobs NCDIT - Analytics and Outbound Services IT Project Manager

NCDIT - Analytics and Outbound Services IT Project Manager

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1 Vacancy

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Raleigh, NC - USA

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1 Vacancy

Job Description

The Analytics and Outbound Services (AOBS) IT ProjectManager is responsible for proactively driving multiple IT projects andplanning initiatives that are moderately to highly complex.

Thisrole will work with multiple project managers from external organizations toplan coordinate and execute IT projects with varying scopes aligning withstrategic business objectives. The position requires the ability to collaboratewith crossorganization teams to create and execute project plans buildagendas schedule meetings take notes and capture action items. Projects mayencompass multiple disciplines including contracting governance dataanalysis software development and process reengineering. This position isexpected to drive and manage highvisibility and highimpact projects affectingmultiple stakeholders.

Ability to lead mediumtocomplex IT projects or significantsubsets of larger projects effectively managing team dynamics acrossfunctional and organizational areas.

Experience in creating and executing project plans includingthe development of work breakdown structures (WBS) in collaboration with teammembers.

Proficiency in various Project Management Methodologiesincluding Waterfall Agile and Hybrid approaches. (5

Ability to lead mediumtocomplex IT projects or significantsubsets of larger projects effectively managing team dynamics acrossfunctional and organizational areas.

Experience in creating and executing project plans includingthe development of work breakdown structures (WBS) in collaboration with teammembers.

Proficiency in various Project Management Methodologiesincluding Waterfall Agile and Hybrid approaches. (5 years)

Experience managing healthcare IT projects including thoseinvolving healthcare data and data analytics. Ideal candidates will also haveexperience with clinical event notification systems (ENS) disease registriesand other healthcare data analytics use cases for population health and publichealth.

Experience in collecting and analyzing information frommultiple sources to inform strategic project planning and risk management.

Experience with project management software such as MicrosoftProject Asana Monday Smartsheet or Wrike to take notes and capture actionitems.

Strong background in Vendor Management ensuring contractdeliverables are met.

Proven ability to organize and manage daily activitiesguiding the work of others.

Application of Project Management best practices withexperience in risk management resource management and financial managementrelated to projects.

Experience in providing consultation and guidance to projectteams sponsors and stakeholders.

Ability to synthesize and apply diverse perspectives toevolving business and IT challenges.

General understanding of emerging healthcare IT trends andtheir impact on enterprise architecture and operations.

Capacity to effectively communicate across various mediumsleading small workgroups and presenting insights and recommendations.

Experience managing healthcare IT projects including thoseinvolving healthcare data and data analytics. Ideal candidates will also haveexperience with clinical event notification systems (ENS) disease registriesand other healthcare data analytics use cases for population health and publichealth.

Experience in collecting and analyzing information frommultiple sources to inform strategic project planning and risk management.

Experience with project management software such as MicrosoftProject Asana Monday Smartsheet or Wrike to take notes and capture actionitems.

Strong background in Vendor Management ensuring contractdeliverables are met.

Proven ability to organize and manage daily activitiesguiding the work of others.

Application of Project Management best practices withexperience in risk management resource management and financial managementrelated to projects.

Experience in providing consultation and guidance to projectteams sponsors and stakeholders.

Ability to synthesize and apply diverse perspectives toevolving business and IT challenges.

General understanding of emerging healthcare IT trends andtheir impact on enterprise architecture and operations.

Capacity to effectively communicate across various mediumsleading small workgroups and presenting insights and recommendations.

Object managers from external organizations to plancoordinate and execute IT projects with varying scopes aligning with strategicbusiness objectives. The position requires the ability to collaborate withcrossorganization teams to create and execute project plans build agendasschedule meetings take notes and capture action items. Projects may encompassmultiple disciplines including contracting governance data analysissoftware development and process reengineering. This position is expected todrive and manage highvisibility and highimpact projects affecting multiplestakeholders.

Ability to lead mediumtocomplex IT projects or significantsubsets of larger projects effectively managing team dynamics acrossfunctional and organizational areas.

Experience in creating and executing project plans includingthe development of work breakdown structures (WBS) in collaboration with teammembers.

Proficiency in various Project Management Methodologiesincluding Waterfall Agile and Hybrid approaches. (5 years)

Experience managing healthcare IT projects including thoseinvolving healthcare data and data analytics. Ideal candidates will also haveexperience with clinical event notification systems (ENS) disease registriesand other healthcare data analytics use cases for population health and publichealth.

Experience in collecting and analyzing information frommultiple sources to inform strategic project planning and risk management.

Experience with project management software such as MicrosoftProject Asana Monday Smartsheet or Wrike to take notes and capture actionitems.

Strong background in Vendor Management ensuring contractdeliverables are met.

Proven ability to organize and manage daily activitiesguiding the work of others.

Application of Project Management best practices withexperience in risk management resource management and financial managementrelated to projects.

Experience in providing consultation and guidance to projectteams sponsors and stakeholders.

Ability to synthesize and apply diverse perspectives toevolving business and IT challenges.

General understanding of emerging healthcare IT trends andtheir impact on enterprise architecture and operations.

Capacity to effectively communicate across various mediumsleading small workgroups and presenting insights and recommendations.

Required/Desired Skills
SkillRequired /DesiredAmountof ExperienceExperience in creating and executing project plans including the development of work breakdown structures (WBS) in collaboration with team membersRequired5YearsProficiency in various Project Management Methodologies including Waterfall Agile and Hybrid approachesRequired5YearsExperience managing healthcare IT projects including those involving healthcare data and data analyticsRequired5YearsExperience with clinical event notification systems (ENS) disease registries other healthcare data analytics use casesRequired5YearsExperience with project management software such as Microsoft Project Asana Monday Smartsheet or Wrike to take notes and capture action itemsRequired5YearsStrong background in Vendor Management ensuring contract deliverables are metRequired5YearsProven ability to organize and manage daily activities guiding the work of othersRequired5YearsApplication of Project Management best practices with experience in risk management resource management & financial management related to projectsRequired5YearsExperience in providing consultation and guidance to project teams sponsors and stakeholdersRequired5YearsAbility to synthesize and apply diverse perspectives to evolving business and IT challengesRequired5YearsGeneral understanding of emerging healthcare IT trends and their impact on enterprise architecture and operationsRequired5YearsCapacity to effectively communicate across various mediums leading small workgroups & presenting insights & recommendationsRequired5Years
No.QuestionQuestion1Absences greater than two weeks MUST be approved by CAI management in advance and contact information must be provided to CAI so that the resource can be reached during his or her absence. The Client has the right to dismiss the resource if he or she does not return to work by the agreed upon date. Do you agree to this requirementQuestion2What is your candidates email addressQuestion3How soon can your candidate start if selected for this opportunityQuestion4Vendors are encouraged to submit candidates that are available for the duration of the assignment. Do you anticipate your candidate being able to work until the proposed end date listed on this VectorVMS reqQuestion5Vendors must disclose to the agency if the candidate will be subcontracted at the time of submission. Is your candidate an employee of your company or a subcontractor Please be sure to notify a CAI Account Manager if your candidates employee status changes.Question6Vendors must notify the agency if any portion of the requirements listed in this task order will be outsourced to other countries. Do you anticipate outsourcing any work being done for this assignment to another countryQuestion7Candidates submitted above the hourly Vendor Rate of may not be considered for this assignment. Do you agree to this requirementQuestion8Payment for all approved hours will be paid at the straight hourly rate regardless of the total hours worked by the engaged resource. It is the responsibility of the Vendor to adhere to any applicable compensation laws including payment for overtime hours. Do you agree to this requirementQuestion9Have you thoroughly validated and attest to the accuracy of the credentials listed throughout your candidate s VectorVMS profile and resume pursuant to Section 5.2.5 of ITS009440

Employment Type

Full Time

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