drjobs Physical Education and Sports Teacher Local contract - Likely to be vacant

Physical Education and Sports Teacher Local contract - Likely to be vacant

Employer Active

1 Vacancy

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Job Location drjobs

Singapore - Singapore

Salary drjobs

Not Disclosed


Salary Not Disclosed


1 Vacancy

Job Description

English version (french below) :


The teachers main mission is to provide students with knowledge skills and attitudes in order to develop skills in the subject.

  • Teach Physical Education and Sports in middle and high school
  • Design and implement learning or teaching situations based on French programs and standards
  • Convey subject knowledge
  • Design and implement assessment methods of student s learnings in liaison with other teachers or professional partners
  • Ensure students acquire skills including capacities attitudes and procedural knowledge
  • Be an expert in the conduct of a class and foster the interest and participation of students and trainees
  • Provide personalised followup of students in relation with families and participate in their orientation project
  • Contribute to the school s operation and to teamwork
  • Adapt his/her teaching to the diversity of students by providing each of them with the necessary support and measure their achievements
  • Use information and communication technologies to support learnings
  • Exercise of specific functions such as coordination form teacher and others

  • French Ministry of Education degree holder or equivalent
  • Deep understanding of the subject and the curriculum
  • Experience in teaching in Middle and High school is preferable
  • Knowledge of the French curriculum is an advantage
  • Organisational and interpersonal skills
  • Responsiveness and availability
  • Adaptability and benevolence
  • Very good writing and speaking skills
  • Strong teamwork skills and committed to making projects successful
  • Mastery of digital tools
  • Ability to adapt to Frenchspeaking and non Frenchspeaking students
  • Ability to provide instructions suited to a wide variety of students
  • Ability to work in a transversal and multidisciplinary way
  • Proficiency in English (B1 level and above) is appreciated for supporting bilingual students and families

  • Full time (18 hours/week)
  • Remuneration will be based on company salary scale
  • Likely to be vacant in August 2025

Version fran aise (anglais audessus) :


La mission principale du professeur est de faire acqu rir aux l ves des connaissances savoirsfaire et savoirs tre afin de d velopper des comp tences dans la discipline.

  • Enseigner lEPS au coll ge et au lyc e
  • Concevoir et mettre en uvre des situations d apprentissage ou d enseignement dans le cadre des programmes et r f rentiels fran ais
  • Transmettre des connaissances disciplinaires
  • Concevoir et mettre en uvre des modalit s d valuation des acquis des l ves en liaison avec les autres enseignants ou les partenaires professionnels
  • Faire acqu rir des comp tences incluant des capacit s des attitudes et des savoirfaire
  • Ma triser la conduite dune classe et susciter lint r t et la participation des l ves et apprentis
  • Assurer un suivi personnalis des l ves en lien avec les familles et participer leur projet d orientation
  • Contribuer au fonctionnement de l tablissement et au travail d quipe
  • Adapter son enseignement la diversit des l ves en apportant chacun lappui n cessaire et mesurer leurs acquis
  • Utiliser des technologies de linformation et de la communication au service des apprentissages
  • Exercice de fonctions sp cifiques (coordination professeur principal...)

  • Titulaire de l Education Nationale ou profil quivalent
  • Ma trise de la mati re enseign e
  • Exp rience dans l enseignement au niveau secondaire (coll ge et lyc e) et notamment en premi re et terminale souhait e
  • Connaissance du syst me ducatif fran ais est un avantage
  • Sens de l organisation et du contact
  • R activit et disponibilit
  • Capacit d adaptation et bienveillance
  • Tr s bonne expression crite et orale
  • Forte capacit travailler en quipe et s investir dans des projets
  • Exp rience en coordination
  • Ma trise des outils num riques
  • Capacit s adapter des l ves non francophones
  • Capacit assurer un enseignement adapt des l ves tr s divers
  • Capacit travailler de mani re transversale et pluridisciplinaire
  • Ma trise du fran ais et l anglais (niveau B1 et plus) serait appr ci e pour faciliter les changes avec les familles.

  • Poste temps plein (18h/ semaine)
  • La r mun ration est bas e sur le dipl me lexp rience et la grille de salaire de lIFS
  • Susceptible d tre vacant en ao t 2025

Employment Type

Full Time

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