Role : Manager
Education : Graduate in Business Management
Age (bracket) : 30 to 35
Job Description :
To see that Daily Sales Budget is Met
To know the whereabouts of all the salesmans everyday and that they are in line
To go out & visit customers and build relationship
To liaise with builders & architects and find out about new projects
Must liaise with Boss for Specs and can always get help from him to boost sales.
Before going out for visitations & sales always organise branch work with Floor Manager
Inorder for the branch to run smoothly in your absence.
To ensure that all deliveries are in order and well organised with Drivers and that goods taken are
in good condition and as per customers LPO and MUST accompany invoice /delivery
To study the market and to always know what is happening in the construction field for Upcoming Projects
Debtors & Admin
To know the status of all your customers and their payment history
To assist Debtors Clerk in collecting all DUE accounts from customers like PBSConcrete etc.
To Stritcly follow company Policy on Overdue Accounts and COD
To see that all Account Customers receive their statements on Timely manner
To see that all Payments Received from your customers is well receipted & punched out
to avoid fuss from customers when they place future orders.
To liaise with Shareen if need be for Payment discussions.
To see that banking is done on a daily basis no cash is to be kept in the shop on weekends.
All vehicles should be well kept & maintained cleanliness inside & outside
To see that Drivers don t abuse vehicles
To see that all your branch vehilcess wheeltax is renewed before due dates and not after
To see that your clerk sends all relevant information To HQ for payments to LTA BEFORE Vehicles due date.
In Case of Accident You will have to pay for vehicle excess fee from your own pocket.
This will be asessed by Police Report as to who is at fault.
Ensure that Vehicle is in Proper Load no access to be loaded.
General Services
To be the first in the shop & the last to leave.
To see that shop is well set up and in good appeareance as well as offices & bulk
To see that the shop & bulk Alarm system is fully operational & that ADT is getting signals.
To see that Shop & Bulk has healthy stocks by liaising with Floor Managers & Warehouse
To see that all Trasnfers are punched out on a daily basis.
To see that bulk is open on time.
To see that stocks are handled with care.
To see that all Inventory on shelf have prices on them
All inventroy has to be balanced Physically & on system
Your branch Inventory will be your responsibility any short /Over you will be answerable to it
Ensure that Goods is well secured covered and handled with care whilst driving to avoid damages
especially fragile goods.
To see that your staffs are at work on time
To give a staff performance report Quartely
Any issues with any staffs should be handled by you unless its out of your control then liaise with hr
To see that staffs strictly follow their break time (morning tea & lunch0 not to exceed on their time