HM Note: This hybrid contract role is three (3) days in office
Responsibilities: and nbsp;
Designing developing and implementing front end code including user interface interactions and creating attractive and effective user interfaces and nbsp;
Required to translate technical systems specifications into working tested applications. This includes developing detailed programming specifications writing and/or generating code compiling datadriven programs maintaining and conducting unit tests. and nbsp;
Resolves and troubleshoots technical problems which arise during the use and operation of software packages including technical assistance in implementation conversion and migrations and nbsp;
General Skills: and nbsp;
Experience in programming and analysis; specialized software package support at the specified experience level and nbsp;
Ability to collaborate with IT Professionals throughout the Software Development Life Cycle and nbsp;
Experience in structured methodologies for the development design implementation and maintenance of applications and nbsp;
Experience in design code test debug and document applications and nbsp;
Experience in the use of object and/or third generation language development tools and nbsp;
Experience in one or more programming languages and nbsp;
Experience in application design latest design patterns deployment and troubleshooting and nbsp;
Experience with relational and hierarchical database technologies and nbsp;
Experience in the use of information retrieval packages using query languages and nbsp;
Experience with one or more communications protocols and nbsp;
Experience in structured methodologies for the design development implementation and maintenance of applications and nbsp;
Experience eliciting and documenting information from diverse business area stakeholders and subject matter experts and nbsp;
Excellent analytical problemsolving and decisionmaking skills; verbal and written communication skills; interpersonal and negotiation skills and nbsp;
A team player with a track record for meeting deadlines and nbsp;
Front End Skills: and nbsp;
Knowledge and experience coding and using basic artwork to deliver a complete user interface and nbsp;
Experience creating web interfaces for large websites. and nbsp;
Experienced with complex largescale systems and nbsp;
Experience with Cross browser compatibility and nbsp;
Experience with Responsive frameworks and nbsp;
Experience with Social Media APIs and nbsp;
Experience defining product strategy and roadmap and nbsp;
Experience working with external third parties to assess partnerships and licensing opportunities runs beta and pilot programs with earlystage products and samples and becomes an expert with respect to the competition and nbsp;
Desirable Skills: and nbsp;
Knowledge and experience with programming Internetready applications and nbsp;
Knowledge and experience in rapid application development (RAD) methodologies and nbsp;
Knowledge and understanding of Information Management principles concepts policies and practices and nbsp;
Experience with middleware and gateways Experience reviewing analyzing and modifying product installation scripts including encoding testing debugging and nbsp;
Ability to provide postimplementation support and resolve any postimplementation technical issues and nbsp;
Experience conducting design walkthrough sessions with project team and nbsp;
Knowledge and understanding of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) and related regulations and standards and nbsp;
Ability to provide user and system documentation as required
Experience and Skill Set Requirements
Technical and nbsp;Skills and nbsp;30%
- Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;Agile and nbsp;methodologies
- Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp; and nbsp;React and nbsp;framework and typescript
- Experience with Node.js and Next.js
- Experience and nbsp;building and nbsp;and and nbsp;testing and nbsp;RESTful and nbsp;APIs
- Working and nbsp;knowledge and nbsp;of and nbsp;Jamstack and nbsp;Architecture
- Hands on experience with Progressive Web Apps
- Hands and nbsp;on and nbsp;experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;responsive and nbsp;design and nbsp;frontend and nbsp;testing and nbsp;and and nbsp;debugging and nbsp;techniques and nbsp;page and nbsp;load and nbsp;optimization and nbsp;and and nbsp;version and nbsp;control
- Experience and nbsp;and and nbsp;expert and nbsp;knowledge and nbsp;in and nbsp;HTML and nbsp;JavaScript and nbsp;CSS and nbsp;and and nbsp;CSS and nbsp;Frameworks
- Working and nbsp;knowledge and nbsp;of and nbsp;DevOps and nbsp;task and nbsp;boards and nbsp;pipelines and nbsp;etc.
- Experience with headless content management systems
- Experience and nbsp;creating and nbsp;front and nbsp;end and nbsp;functionality and nbsp;for and nbsp;login and nbsp;page and nbsp;profile and nbsp;creation and nbsp;customer and nbsp;notifications and nbsp;and and nbsp;selfservice and nbsp;signup
- Required and nbsp;to and nbsp;translate and nbsp;technical and nbsp;systems and nbsp;specifications and nbsp;into and nbsp;working and nbsp;tested and nbsp;applications. and nbsp;This and nbsp;includes:
- Developing and nbsp;detailed and nbsp;programming and nbsp;specifications
- Writing and nbsp;and/or and nbsp;generating and nbsp;code
- Compiling and nbsp;datadriven and nbsp;programs and nbsp;maintaining and nbsp;and and nbsp;conducting and nbsp;unit and nbsp;tests
- Resolves and nbsp;and and nbsp;troubleshoots and nbsp;technical and nbsp;problems and nbsp;which and nbsp;arise and nbsp;during and nbsp;the and nbsp;use and nbsp;and and nbsp;operation and nbsp;of and nbsp;software and nbsp;packages and nbsp;including and nbsp;technical and nbsp;assistance and nbsp;in and nbsp;implementation and nbsp;conversion and nbsp;and and nbsp;deployment
Experience and nbsp;30%
- Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;cloud and nbsp;platforms and nbsp;such and nbsp;as and nbsp;Azure
- Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;Agile and nbsp;methodologies and nbsp;including and nbsp;using and nbsp;kanban/task and nbsp;boards
- Extensive and nbsp;experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;JavaScript and nbsp;CSS and nbsp;HTML and nbsp;and and nbsp;frontend and nbsp;languages and nbsp;user and nbsp;interface and nbsp;design.
- Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;RESTful and nbsp;APIs.
- Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;programming and nbsp;and and nbsp;analysis; and nbsp;specialized and nbsp;software and nbsp;package and nbsp;support and nbsp;at and nbsp;the and nbsp;specified and nbsp;experience and nbsp;level
- Ability and nbsp;to and nbsp;collaborate and nbsp;with and nbsp;IT and nbsp;Professionals and nbsp;throughout and nbsp;the and nbsp;Software and nbsp;Development and nbsp;Life and nbsp;Cycle
- Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;structured and nbsp;methodologies and nbsp;such and nbsp;as and nbsp;Agile and nbsp;Scrum and nbsp;for and nbsp;the and nbsp;development and nbsp;design and nbsp;implementation and nbsp;and and nbsp;maintenance and nbsp;of and nbsp;applications
- Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;design and nbsp;code and nbsp;test and nbsp;debug and nbsp;and and nbsp;document and nbsp;applications
- Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;application and nbsp;design and nbsp;latest and nbsp;design and nbsp;patterns and nbsp;deployment and nbsp;and and nbsp;troubleshooting
- Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;one and nbsp;or and nbsp;more and nbsp;communications and nbsp;protocols
- Experience and nbsp;eliciting and nbsp;and and nbsp;documenting and nbsp;information and nbsp;from and nbsp;diverse and nbsp;business and nbsp;area and nbsp;stakeholders and nbsp;and and nbsp;subject and nbsp;matter and nbsp;experts
- Excellent and nbsp;analytical and nbsp;problemsolving and nbsp;and and nbsp;decisionmaking and nbsp;skills; and nbsp;verbal and nbsp;and and nbsp;written and nbsp;communication and nbsp;skills; and nbsp;interpersonal and nbsp;and and nbsp;negotiation and nbsp;skills
- A and nbsp;team and nbsp;player and nbsp;with and nbsp;a and nbsp;track and nbsp;record and nbsp;for and nbsp;meeting and nbsp;deadlines
- Hands and nbsp;on and nbsp;experience and nbsp;building and nbsp;integrations and nbsp;to and nbsp;IAA and nbsp;systems and nbsp;such and nbsp;as and nbsp;Azure and nbsp;AD and nbsp;B2C and nbsp;Authentication and nbsp;Okta and nbsp;Authentication
Communication and nbsp;Skills 10%
- Strong and nbsp;communication and nbsp;skills and nbsp;to and nbsp;prepare and nbsp;documentation and nbsp;including and nbsp;but and nbsp;not and nbsp;limited and nbsp;to: and nbsp;solution and nbsp;documentation and nbsp;user and nbsp;manuals and nbsp;reports and nbsp;reviews and nbsp;assessments
- Ability and nbsp;to and nbsp;present and nbsp;ideas and nbsp;and and nbsp;suggestions and nbsp;clearly and nbsp;and and nbsp;effectively and nbsp;and and nbsp;in and nbsp;a and nbsp;userfriendly and nbsp;manner; and nbsp;maintain and nbsp;a and nbsp;high and nbsp;level and nbsp;of and nbsp;customer and nbsp;service and nbsp;to and nbsp;both and nbsp;internal and nbsp;and and nbsp;external and nbsp;clients
- Ability and nbsp;to and nbsp;communicate and nbsp;designs and nbsp;and and nbsp;development and nbsp;in and nbsp;clear and nbsp;and and nbsp;understandable and nbsp;manner
Must haves:
- Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;Agile and nbsp;methodologies
- Experience and nbsp;with React and nbsp;framework and typescript
- Experience with Node.js and Next.js
- Some experience working in Azure infrastructure environment
- Experience with testing custom developments