Embedded Trainee Jobs in Hungary
Embedded Trainee Jobs in Hungary
Cgnk ADAS rendszerek fejlesztsvel foglalkoz csapata gyakornokot keres a radar s kameraadatok fedolgozsra s elemzsre.Feladataid a kvetkezk lennnek:Szcenrifelismers CLIP vagy hasonl ltsnyelvi transzformtor segtsgvel vizulis adathalmazok alapjnA rendelkezsre ll adathalmazokban bizon More...
Support the daily AP operation according to the agreed priorities and measurements Data check on incoming invoices (correct address verification)Supporting the invoice scanning processInvoice downloading from online portalsQualifications : Ongoing studies at least until December More...
Are you interested in gaining insights into the operations of multinational clients listed in the Global Fortune 500 Would you enjoy working in a diverse environment where you can connect with colleagues from around the world If so we invite you to join us in helping companies navigat More...
Taking part in all commercial activities in HRSCEE and its country projects (such as Business Case calculation preparation and facilitation of sizing activities together with country project leads)Supporting the controlling of HRSCEE cost centres Business Planning and Current Forecast More...
Would you like to get an insight into the world of our multinational clients coming from the Global Fortune 500 list Would you enjoy working at a company of diverse nationalitiesand connecting with colleagues from all around the world Kick off your career at a reputable brand!Budape More...
Support the Data Management Group (DMG) with Bank account confirmation and maintenance related activities and handle other vendor master data changes.Communicate with vendor via email and phoneUpdate Master Data in SAPQualifications : Detail orientation Fluent English More...
Taking part in all commercial activities in HRSCEE and its country projects (such as Business Case calculation preparation and facilitation of sizing activities together with country project leads)Supporting the controlling of HRSCEE cost centres Business Planning and Current Forecast More...
Are you interested in gaining insights into the operations of multinational clients listed in theGlobal Fortune 500 Would you enjoy working in adiverse environmentwhere you can connect with colleagues from around the world If so we invite you to join us in helping companies navigate t More...
Master Data Cleanup: Standardize and cleanse vendor master data to ensure accuracy and reliability.Data Collection: Gather and validate vendor information using structured templates and communication tools.Database Cleansing & Management: Maintain and update the vendor databa More...
Support the daily AR operation according to the agreed priorities and measurements Daily contact with customers (mail phone)Manage ARrelated data such as invoices customer information and payment statuses in SAP to ensure uptodate recordsQualifications : Ongoing studies at More...
Your job will be to: Screen process edit incoming orders or forward them within team according to defined work instructions. As well as ensure the maintenance of all relevant data in the corresponding IT systems for this specific area. Gather complement and treat required data reports More...
Industrialization Engineer Trainee Kziszerszmgyr - Mcp
Csatlakozz csapatunkhoz s mlytsd el tanulmnyaidat modern munkakrnyezetben hogy mire lediplomzol mr vals tapasztalattal is rendelkezz! Feladatok amelyek rd vrnak:PowerBI riportok frisstse karbantartsa fejlesztseAdatok gyjtseData analyst kollgval val egyeztets alapjnExcel httrtblk More...
Kdolsi feladatokA folyamatokhoz kapcsold dokumentci elksztseAktv rszvtel a terlet szakmai megbeszlsein egyeztetseinTerleten dolgoz kollgk tmogatsa a felmerl feladatok kapcsnQualifications : Aktv (vagy 25 v alatt passzv) nappali tagozatos hallgati jogviszony;Programozsi ismeret tetszl More...
Gyakornok Junior Trainee Supervisor - Vrosliget Caf
Szeretnd az ttermi s rendezvnyes vendglts minden csnjtbnjt egy helyen a legprofibb szakemberektl elsajttani Ktelez szakmai gyakorlatodat tltsd nlunk tanulj a legjobbaktl lgy rsze egy klassz csapatnak egy igazn szerethet gynyr munkahelyen!A Vrosliget Caf & Restaurant ttermbe egyetemis More...
Master Data Cleanup: Standardize and cleanse vendor master data to ensure accuracy and reliability.Data Collection: Gather and validate vendor information using structured templates and communication tools.Database Cleansing & Management: Maintain and update the vendor databa More...
Gyakornok - Social Media Content Trainee - Vrosliget Caf
Ktelez szakmai gyakorlatodat tltsd nlunk!Izgalmas feladatok vrnak rd ha csatlakozol marketing csapatunkhoz s szvesen gyrtanl tartalmakat a klnbz social media felleteinkre egy igazn szerethet gynyr munkahelyen!A Vrosliget Caf & Restaurant ttermbeegyetemista / fiskols gyakornok munkatr More...
Data Analyst Trainee 3-6 Month Project
Do you want to join a structured program with handson training and mentorship in a globally recognized companyAre you eager to gain practical experience in tax services and work on realworld projects with a global reachDo you thrive in a supportive and collaborative team environment t More...
Gyakornok - Social Media Content Trainee - Frsg S Lovarda
Szeretnd a ktelez szakmai gyakorlatodat igazi trtnelmi krnyezetben egyben kvhzi milliben eltlteni s bekukkantani a kulisszk mg a Frsg tterem s KvhzbanIzgalmas feladatok vrnak rd ha csatlakozol marketing csapatunkhoz s szvesen gyrtanl tartalmakat a klnbz social media felleteinkre!Az Ev More...
Gyakornok - Social Media Content Trainee - Cziniel Cukrszda Tallkozhely
Szeretnd a ktelez szakmai gyakorlatodat egy trendi modern cukrszdban eltlteni s bekukkantani a kulisszk mg a Cziniel Rmai Cukrszda & TallkozhelyenIzgalmas feladatok vrnak rd ha csatlakozol marketing csapatunkhoz s szvesen gyrtanl tartalmakat a klnbz social media felleteinkre!Az Even More...
Cyber Security Trainee Career Accelerator With Employment Guarantee
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the dynamic and growing field of cyber security Nuyew Tech Academy is offering a unique Cyber Security Career Accelerator designed to provide you with the skills certifications and support you need to kickstart your career in this in More...