drjobs Product Head - Redlogik English

Product Head - Redlogik

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Were looking for an experienced product manager to lead our multidisciplinary development team. As an ideal candidate you will have a keen eye for gaps in consumer product offerings and the innovative mindset to fill them. Youre a highly skilled market analyst with a proven ability to strategize product productions entire lifecycle from conception through release.

What you need to do:

  • Drive the product and businessplanning process across crossfunctional teams of the company
  • Analyze consumer needs current market trends and potential partnerships from an ROI and build vs. buy perspective
  • Assess current competitor offerings seeking opportunities for differentiation
  • Analyze product requirements and develop appropriate programs to ensure theyre successful achieved
  • Develop implement and maintain production timelines across multiple departments
  • Appraise new product ideas and strategize appropriate tomarket plans
  • Drive the execution of all product lifecycle processes for products including product research market research competitive analysis planning positioning roadmap development requirements development and product launch
  • Translate product strategy into detailed requirements for prototype construction and final product development by engineering teams
  • Create product strategy documents that describe business cases highlevel use cases technical requirements revenue and ROI
  • Analyze market data to develop sales strategies and define product objectives for effective marketing communications plans
  • Collaborate closely with engineering production marketing and sales teams on the development QA and release of products and balance of resources to ensure success for the entire organization
  • Develop product positioning and messaging that differentiates Company X and its features across primary market segments

Must haves:

  • Bachelors degree in product design or engineering
  • Strong experience in a dynamic product management role
  • Proven experience overseeing all elements of the product development lifecycle
  • Highly effective crossfunctional team management
  • Previous experience delivering finelytuned product marketing strategies
  • Exceptional writing and editing skills combined with strong presentation and public speaking skills
  • Previous software and web development experience
  • Proven experience working as a product developer in a nonmanagerial role
  • Demonstrable knowledge in SEM and online advertising

This job has been sourced from an external job board.
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إخلاء المسؤولية: د.جوب هو مجرد منصة تربط بين الباحثين عن عمل وأصحاب العمل. ننصح المتقدمين بإجراء بحث مستقل خاص بهم في أوراق اعتماد صاحب العمل المحتمل. نحن نحرص على ألا يتم طلب أي مدفوعات مالية من قبل عملائنا، وبالتالي فإننا ننصح بعدم مشاركة أي معلومات شخصية أو متعلقة بالحسابات المصرفية مع أي طرف ثالث. إذا كنت تشك في وقوع أي احتيال أو سوء تصرف، فيرجى التواصل معنا من خلال تعبئة النموذج الموجود على الصفحة اتصل بنا