drjobs Order Fulfillment Manager

Order Fulfillment Manager

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1 Vacancy

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Job Location drjobs

Tirana - Albania

Monthly Salary drjobs

Not Disclosed


Salary Not Disclosed


1 Vacancy

Job Description

Main Activities for this position are:

Monitor transport orders on a daily basis and focus on speed and quality.
Maintain contact with various stakeholders such as Sales branch managers and remarketing parties to manage expectations and proactively address capacity issues.
Ensure the customer is at the center by optimizing processes acting proactively and guaranteeing a smooth and transparent process.
Independently take on projects to contribute to making our transport network futureproof.
Support your colleagues and ensure that daily operations run smoothly.

Qualifications :

You have a higher education.
You are proficient with MS Office and Excel holds no secrets for you.
You have 2 years of work experience in a similar role.
You speak and write fluent Dutch (not mandatory) and excellent English.
You possess strong communication skills and a high level of critical thinking and working.
You take responsibility for your tasks and have a proactive work attitude.

Additional Information :

The place of work will be at the headquarters of AUTO1 Albania Tirana and the shifts provide a total of 40 hours per week from Monday to Friday 09:0018:00.

If you think you are the right candidate you can send your CV.





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