Viking Travel Care was launched in 2023 as a new service area for Viking Assistance Group. We are now looking for a person to lead our team for claiming governmental recourse for medical treatment costs with basis in Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients rights in crossborder healthcare on behalf of insurance companies.
Head of Travel Recourse will be responsible for the recourse services that Viking Travel Care will deliver to insurance company customers. The person will get to establish the necessary processes so Viking can handle reimbursement from governments (Helfo in Norway Kela in Finland Forskringskassan in Sweden Regionerne in Denmark) and build a small team needed to handle the reimbursement processes. The first task will be to establish the recourse process towards Helfo in Norway and later for the respective entities in Sweden Finland and Denmark.
- Establish a small team and implement Helfo recourse process for Viking Travel Care
- Establish and implement or optimize and improve processes for recourse towards Kela Forskringskassan og Regionerne
- Ensure quality in all application documents and take actions to ensure a smooth and efficient process with the maximum possible recourse
- Liaise with the legal department in determining if any decisions should be disputed and support or handle the potential appeal processes towards the responsible public entities (e.g. Nasjonalt klageorgan for helsetjenesten (Helseklage) in Norway)
- Be the expert on all recourse related questions and be the contact person to Viking Travel Cares customers on recourse matters
- Set up and handle reporting structures and participate and present in meetings
- Keep updated on relevant laws and legal requirements regarding recourse and ensure our processes are updated and aligned with those
- Previous experience of handling recourses e.g. towards the Norwegian government (Helfo) on behalf of travel insurance companies
- Relevant higher education e.g. law finance or administrative education
- Experience from government recourse from the other Nordic countries is a plus
- Experience from travel assistance is a plus
- Good communicator with fluent Norwegian and English written and spoken (work langauges are both Norwegian and English in this position)
- Excellent skills in Office programs
- Project management experience
- A team player with good collaboration skills
- Analytical proactive and structured with high quality focus
- Independent and selfdriven
- Leadership and management experience
Employment type
Fulltime office hours Monday to Friday.
Oslo Norway.
Start date
To be agreed
If you have any questions you are welcome to contact Director of Travel Care Gry Monica Hellevik telephone number:or email:
Deadline: 9 February 2025