drjobs Evaluation Quality AssuranceBack Office in English

Evaluation Quality AssuranceBack Office in English

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1 Vacancy

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Job Location drjobs

Tirana - Albania

Monthly Salary drjobs

Not Disclosed


Salary Not Disclosed


1 Vacancy

Job Description

The EQA Specialists monitor the quality of the inspection reports realized by our technical experts analyzing videophotographic material and making changes and improvements.

Qualifications :

Job Responsibilities:
Carrying out of backoffice activities consisting in the quality control of documents and appraisals made by merchants and by the AUTO1 experts (Team Remarketing).
Graphic reelaboration of the photos according to the corporate standards provided by the HQ in Germany Spain France Belgium Netherlands.
Training for using the Auto1.com platform;
Compilation of daily reports.

Skills and Qualifications:
 Fluency in English. German is a plus
At least 1 years of previous experience in backoffice document quality control and data entry;
Professionalism precision reliability and high attention to detail;
Fast and precise use of PC and email;
Ambitious and resultsoriented mentality

Additional Information :

What we offer:
Direct employment with Albanian contract;
Fix remuneration competitive variable;
The chance to become a part of the digital revolution in the automotive sector;
Concrete opportunities for professional growth in a highly meritbased context.
Training courses paid;

The shifts provide a total of 40 hours per week from Monday to Friday 09:0018:00.
If you think you are the right candidate you can send your CV


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