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Qualifications :
We offer:
Direct employment with Albanian contract;
Fix remuneration competitive variable;
The chance to become a part of the digital revolution in the automotive sector;
Concrete opportunities for professional growth in a highly meritbased context.
Possibility of hybrid work;
Additional Information :
The place of work will be at the headquarters of AUTO1 Albania at Alpas Center Tirana and the shifts provide a total of 40 hours per week from Monday to Friday 08:0017:00.
If you think you are the right candidate you can send your CV.
Auto 1 informon kandidatet se t dhnat personale t mbledhura prmes portalit t internetit Njoftime.com per pozicione te lira pune se te dhenat e tyre personale te derguara prej tyre elektronikisht nepermjet CV do t trajtohen n prputhje me Ligjin 9887 dat 10.03.2008 Pr Mbrojtjen e t Dhnave Personale i ndryshuar; Auto 1 do t ruaj n mnyr konfidenciale dhe nuk do te tranferoje CV e kandidateve qe aplikojne per pozicione te lira tek ndonj pale e tret ose t prdor pr ndonj qllim tjetr prve atij te rekrutimit. Te dhenat personale qe perpunohen nga Auto 1 per kategorine e kandidateve per pozicione te lira te punes do te perpunohen vetem per qellimin e perzgjedhjes se punemarreseve. Maksimumi i ruajtjes se ketyre CV eshte 5 dite nga data e marrjes se me mail me CV perkates prane Auto1.
Remote Work :
Employment Type :