Main Accountabilities
The Operation Manager is directly responsible for the personnel and activities of the plant
operations departments and is cooperatively accountable with other management personnel for maintaining continued operation of the facility in compliance with established safety
regulations and procedures federal and state environmental regulations production
schedules output requirements and contractual obligations. / Operasyon Mdr tesis
operasyon departmanlarnn personeli ve faaliyetlerinden dorudan sorumludur ve tesisin
belirlenmi gvenlik ynetmelikleri ve prosedrleri federal ve eyalet evre ynetmelikleri
retim programlar kt gereksinimleri ve szlemesel ykmllklere uygun ekilde
srekli iletilmesini salamak iin dier ynetim personeliyle birlikte ibirlii iinde
Detailed Job Description/Detayl Tanm
- Manages the activities of the plants operations department through direct supervision of shift supervisors ensuring the effective execution of their job responsibilities. / Vardiya amirlerinin dorudan denetimi yoluyla tesisin operasyon departmannn faaliyetlerini ynetir ve i sorumluluklarnn etkili bir ekilde yerine getirilmesini salar.
- Provides directives and objectives for his subordinates. / Astlarna talimatlar ve hedefler verir.
- Directs the coordination of the plant operations departments with the maintenance department in prioritising planning and scheduling maintenance activities. / Bakm faaliyetlerinin nceliklendirilmesi ve planlanmasnda tesis operasyon blmlerinin bakm blmyle koordinasyonunu salar.
- Maintains systems for tracking plant conditions and performance evaluating the effectiveness of operating and maintenance practices identifying problem areas and areas for potential improvements and measuring plant performance against financial and contractual goals. / Tesis koullarn ve performansn izlemek iletme ve bakm
- uygulamalarnn etkinliini deerlendirmek sorunlu alanlar ve potansiyel iyiletirme alanlarn belirlemek ve tesis performansn finansal ve szlemesel hedeflere gre lmek iin sistemler srdrr.
- Prepares operation budgets / financial forecast manages and controls operations expenditures maintaining an active cost reduction program directed toward improved plant profitability. / letme btelerini hazrlar finansal tahmin yapar iletme harcamalarn ynetir ve kontrol eder tesis karllnn artrlmasna ynelik aktif bir maliyet drme programn srdrr.
- Participates and support in annual technical shutdown preparation. / Yllk teknik
kapatma hazrlklarna katlr ve destek salar. - Participates in preparation of reports and presentations and in planning and directing regularly scheduled supervisor meetings. / Rapor ve sunumlarn hazrlanmasna katlr dzenli olarak planlanan ynetici toplantlarnn planlanmasna ve ynetilmesine katlr.
- Prepares the plant operation procedures ensure their proper diffusion and
implementation through the operation department. / Tesis iletme prosedrlerini
hazrlar bunlarn iletme departmanna uygun ekilde yaylmasn ve uygulanmasn salar. - Controls and ensure respect and implementation of all procedures. / Tm prosedrlerin uygulanmasn ve denetlenmesini salar.
- Assures compliance with all contractual obligations government regulations
environmental standards and all plant safety procedures and programs. / Tm
szlemesel ykmllklere resmi dzenlemelere evre standartlarna ve tm tesis gvenlii prosedrlerine ve programlarna uyumu salar. - Administers human resources within the operations department assuring that positions are staffed with qualified individuals that all personnel are adequately trained that each individuals performance is assessed on a regular basis that corrective action procedures are followed when appropriate. / Operasyon departmanndaki insan kaynaklarn ynetir pozisyonlarn nitelikli kiilerle doldurulmasn tm personelin yeterli eitime sahip olmasn her bireyin performansnn dzenli olarak deerlendirilmesini ve uygun durumlarda dzeltici eylem prosedrlerinin izlenmesini salar.
- Show exemplary behaviour in Health & Safety Hygiene & Security Environment.
/Salk & Emniyet Hijyen ve Gvenlik Ortamnda rnek davranlar sergiler. - Identifies all risks to health and safety within operational areas report it to the HSE department. Define and proceed with actions to eliminate or ensure control of those risks. / Operasyonel alanlardaki salk ve gvenlik risklerini belirler HSE departmanna bildirir. Bu riskleri ortadan kaldrmak veya kontrol altna almak iin eylemleri tanmlar ve uygular.
- Participates and propose solution for the continuous improvement of the plants HSE Operation and Maintenance performances. / Tesisin HSE letme ve Bakm performanslarnn srekli iyiletirilmesine katlr ve zm nerileri sunar.
- Participates actively in achieving the Groups objectives and targets. / Grubun
hedef ve amalarna ulalmasnda aktif rol oynar. - Ensure the deployment and application of Groups standards. / Grup standartlarnn datmn ve uygulanmasn salamak.
- Ensure achievement of the objectives defined and agreed with his manager. /
Yneticisiyle birlikte belirlenen ve zerinde mutabakata varlan hedeflere ulalmasn salamak. - Respect and promote the company culture. Perform works in line with the company requirement targets and expectations. / irket kltrne sayg gsterin ve onu tevik eder. irket gereksinimleri hedefleri ve beklentileri dorultusunda almalar yapar.
Qualifications :
- Education / Eitim: Engineering degree or equivalent experience
- Experience/ Deneyim: 8 years
- Knowledge of power plant equipment and systems. / Enerji santrali ekipmanlar ve sistemleri hakknda bilgi.
- Technical and/or management experience in a power generation facility and specific expertise in waste and/or resource recovery material handling. /Bir elektrik retim tesisinde teknik ve/veya ynetim deneyimi ve atk ve/veya kaynak geri kazanm malzeme elleleme konusunda zel uzmanlk.
- ASME / Pressure Vessel Operator certification. /ASME / Basnl Kap Operatr
sertifikasyonu. - Always keep in mind the safety of people and equipment. / Her zaman insanlarn ve ekipmanlarn gvenliini aklnzda bulundurun.
Additional Information :
Personal Attributes
- Excellent active listening skills
- Strong coordination abilities
- Keen monitoring and observation skills
- High level of social perceptiveness
- Expertise in personnel and human resources management
- Effective communication and public speaking
- Efficient time management
- Proactive and initiativetaking
Kiisel zellikler
- Mkemmel aktif dinleme becerileri
- Gl koordinasyon yetenekleri
- Keskin izleme ve gzlem becerileri
- Yksek dzeyde sosyal alglama
- Personel ve insan kaynaklar ynetiminde uzmanlk
- Etkili iletiim ve konuma becerileri
- Verimli zaman ynetimi
- Proaktif ve inisiyatif alabilme yetenei
As an inclusive company Veolia is committed to diversity and gives equal consideration to all applications without discrimination.
The preceding description is not designed to be a complete or exhaustive list of all duties and responsibilities that will be carried out by the selected candidate.
Veolia Middle East does not and shall not discriminate in any forms in its recruitment processes.
Remote Work :
Employment Type :