Title : Business AnalystExpert
Location : Rensselaer NY
Duration : 30 months
Client : NYS OCFS
Requirements :
- 84 Months experience working directly with users in a health and human services or child welfare system.
- 84 Months experience utilizing software to collect filter process create and distribute data.
- 84 months experience creating flow diagrams structure charts and other types of system or process representations.
- 84 months facilitating or providing technical assistance to users/groups to arrive at soundbusiness solutions to improve current business practices.
- 84 months experience in change management planning and implementing change including experience in selfassessments and developing implementation action plans.
- 84 months experience performing information activities to support the implementation of an automated service system.
- 84 months experience providing computer support.
- Bachelors Degree
Title : Location : Duration : Client : Requirements :