Redwood Admin
Expected start date: Immediate
Contract Duration: Till 30 Jun 25
Languages Required: English & German
Remote/Onsite/Hybrid: Remote
Rate: As low as possible
Location: Resource should be in Germany
Job description:
Below is the skills required for the role.
- Extensive experience in RedWood RunMyJobs Workload Automation
- Very good experience with RedWood RunMyJobs own language tools
- Very good experience in setting up and configuring scheduling tasks.
- Very good experience in creating jobs and defining job properties for web services FTP through RMJ calendars schedules dependencies and orchestrating workflows.
- Very good experience in developing requirements user test cases job orchestration processes and related documents.
- Very good experience in setting up RMJ file transfers and secure file transfers.
- Configuration of scheduling tasks.
- Setting up processes/procedures for batch job notifications alerts and monitoring/escalation.
- Excellent knowledge of Unix/Linux and Windows operating systems.
- Knowledge of SAP modules and use with RMJ especially SAP ISU.
- Knowledge of cloud services (e.g. MS Azure AWS O365).
- Manage and troubleshoot problems in the integrated landscape
- Troubleshooting problems
- Basic programming skills and confident use of scripting language tools in general