Only Local candidates to NYC
Required to have:
- Net Core C# experience
- JSON based API building experience using C#
- Experience that query Elastic Search
- JMETER experience
- SpecFlow as a tool for Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
- DevOps experience (prefer Azure DevOps)
- Experience with team utilizing CI/CD that includes automation testing in the pipelines
- Virtualization and containerization using Docker and Kubernetes
- Creation of CI/CD pipelines for Azure Dev Ops
- Cloud Experience (prefer Azure)
- Developing Kafka message consumers and producers
- Elastic APM and Kibana experience
- Full Stack Developer with specialized focus on developing and testing C# services and applications(i.e.
- Net Core and Kubernetes are preferred)
- Building web API service utilizing JSON and ASP.NET Core
- Building back message processing service utilizing C# and message queueing systems such as Service
- Bus MQ Series and Kafka
- Building services that query Elastic Search
- Define and build API applications tests for web services (4 years) utilizing JMeter and Visual Studio
- Test
- Building user experience using Modern Web App framework experience (i.e. React) Windows platform (WPF/UWP) and/or iOS applications using Xamarin.
- Define and build performance tests for web based/mobile applications (4 years) utilizing JMeter
- Define and build automated regression test suites utilizing a combination of tools that must include Selenium SpecFlow for BDD JMeter Visual Studio unit tests
- Ability to work on a small agile team developing applications services automated test and that will be utilized by multiple devices.