Advanced firewall management and intrusion prevention system TrendMicro
Tipping Point management.
Install configure and fine tune the Tipping Point Intrusion Prevention System
(IPS) .
Tipping Point SMS configuration and management.
Extensive familiarity with intrusion detection methodology .
Configuration performance availability and security of the network
Identify and document network security errors and solutions.
Analyze network and security alarms and identify potential risks and issues
share the mitigation plan.
Configure test install troubleshoot and maintain network devices such as
firewalls security devices and routers and switches to optimize performance
and ensure the desired security posture is attained and maintained.
Should be aware of configuring Inspection Bypass rules of IPS devices .
Should be aware of bringing IPS nodes to fallback and from fallback to normal
mode .
Analyzes scenarios provides solutions and makes recommendations to
protect the environment .
Packet capture from IPS nodes/SMS client generate TSR SMS client logs
Should have expertise on TCP/IP network traffic and event log analysis.
Upgrading IPS nodes SMS client.
Identify signatures logs from IPS and SMS client Identification of attacks on
the client environment and should share the remediation plan.
ips,tipping point management,availability,attack remediation,tcp/ip network traffic,firewall management,intrusion prevention system,management,devices,prevention,intrusion detection methodology,security,network architecture,event log analysis,ips nodes,architecture,trendmicro,network security,advanced,sms client,sms