
About EducoHire

EducoHire is a prominent job portal. Launched in 2020, EducoHire is providing placement services, helping candidates to find ideal jobs and companies to find suitable candidates. Millions of people in India are unemployed or underemployed, yet many of the employers can’t find qualified candidates for their job openings. We’re striving to organize human capital data and make it meaningful for our clients. We provide wide and sophisticated job seeking, career management, recruitment capabilities by identifying top-level talent for employers looking for enthusiastic professionals across India.

2 Job openings in Educohire

Designing technology for pollution control and waste management. Collecting and analyzing environmental data. Carrying out site assessments to determine the environmental impact of commercial activity. Studying human influences on the environment. Improving environmental conserv More...

Employer Active Posted on 22 Nov | Full-time | Easy Apply

Designing technology for pollution control and waste management. Collecting and analyzing environmental data. Carrying out site assessments to determine the environmental impact of commercial activity. Studying human influences on the environment. Improving environmental conserv More...

Employer Active Posted on 22 Nov | Full-time | Easy Apply