About Bupa Egypt
Bupa was created on 3 April 1947 with the founding purpose – ‘to prevent, relieve and cure sickness and ill-health of every kind’ – enshrined in our original constitution, combining a caring ethos with freedom of choice. Originally called the British United Provident Association, Bupa was never a provident association itself. A number of large and small provident associations and hospital contributory schemes came together to create Bupa, a private company limited by guarantee without shareholders. Today, Bupa is an international healthcare company headquartered in the UK, serving over 38 million customers across the world. The historical roots of our businesses across the world are also deep. In Australia, the firm that was to join Bupa in 2002 was originally founded in the 1930s to help people cover the cost of their hospital treatment. Sanitas, our business in Spain was founded in 1956 and joined Bupa in 1989. Hong Kong was one of the first places outside the UK that Bupa expande