As a fresh graduate heading to start your career life, you probably may be running after any available chance regardless of the financial and other benefits it offers. You don’t want to risk yourself missing your job offer by negotiating your pay, for you think that gaining practical experience is far more important than acquiring a deal of money that will incrementally increase in proportion with the experience. Well, you’re in the right track to some extent with your logical thinking, yet you’ve to look from comprehensive perspective and evaluate yourself objectively in terms of qualifications and skills to estimate the pay you deserve. According to recent studies, three-quarters of employers tend to increase their first salary offer by 5-10%. Here, I will support you with few handy tips to negotiate your first salary.
Use DrJobs site to help you in determining the salary range you desrve . Also, ask your friends, mentors, and colleagues as resources to determine the range of salary in your position, then make your best to hit the highest number of the range. However, bear in mind that you should be well-armed with some information about both your job role, and the company in overall.
Presumably, as a recent graduate, it’s ok not to have a practical experience. That’s why, employers are searching for a specific level of skills and knowledge. Therefore, never underestimate the achievements you did in your university or school like internships or volunteer experiences. Such points should be accurately mentioned in both the resume and the interview to highlight the skills and abilities you acquired from them. Ultimately, you’ve to prove your value and worth to the employer. You can’t spill out a number without your certainty that you really deserve more than what they had in mind.
It goes without saying that you’ve to be polite and friendly when negotiating. Nevertheless, you’ve to be firm and determined. Never give a range of salary, for example never say (I’m expecting a salary between so and so). Instead, search for the salary that fits your qualifications and give the number straight away, no open ends!
Despite the fact that employers look for certain skills and qualifications, yet they are searching for something more indispensable which is enthusiasm about the position and the company especially when you lack past experiences. You should show gratitude and excitement about the offer you got, even if the salary was lower than your expectations. Tell the hiring manager how excited you’re about this offer and amazed by the outstanding performance of the working team then smoothly jump to the part of salary by saying “but I’m aiming for a salary of $...”.
Sometimes, the company offers you the final offer that is lower than your expectations, even after several negotiation trials. Here, you’ve to stop and decide your next move. Think about the other sides that may make the offer accepted. If not, then simply walk away.
Finally, negotiating salary is an un-evitable part of the employment process that is nervous-wrecking, yet by time you’ll get used to it.
- Ask for help
- Never underestimate your past experiences
- Be polite, but not easily swayed!
- Show gratitude & enthusiasm
- Be prepared to end everything up