5 Ways to Master Your Job Interview


Job interviews are like first dates. Good impressions count, awkwardness can occur, outcomes are unpredicted. In interviews, the recruiter has the task of deciding between job applicants who have been called in for interviews. The applicant has two challenges: first, to persuade the recruiter that he is the best candidate for the job, and second, to surpass others.

Following are 5 Ways to Master Your Job Interview:

  1. Practice For The Interview
This can be done by seeking the advice of any experienced interview consultant. He will practice specific mock-interview approaches with you, helping you not only answer tricky interview questions but also recognize pitfalls and stop saying the wrong words.

The interview consultant needs about 4 hours before interviews to get everyone ready for confronting the recruiter. Practicing pays off, and you'll be easily able to get the job.

  1. Prepare Your STAR
Situation/Task/Action/Result. you will describe the situation in general, describe what you should do in it, explain how you actually did what was required, and finally prove how this leads to successful results. Read how to answer any interview question like a pro.

  1. Research The Company
The culture of a business is a critical indicator of achievement for employees. An intelligent career seeker or a prospective employee shall have a good understanding of corporate principles and behavior early in the process of joining a new company. Evaluating compatibility is a matter of seeking a corporate atmosphere that better enhances everyone's professional style and personal ethics.

Read also: The 5 types of corporate culture to navigate your career success

  1. Utilize The Power Of Relationships
One-to-one interactions play a significant role in researching the company before the interview. Try to reach current or former employees working in your potential company, invite them for coffee talk, and try to collect as much information as you can about the company culture, environment, and growth opportunities. Meeting these employees will also help you understand more about the employees' attitudes and personalities and evaluate the company environment to know if it supports employees' development and strictly applies its policies.

Read also: 4 Ways to Interview Your Employer and Get the Job

  1. Nail Your Achievements
Due to the latest layoffs, the job market now has many talented candidates looking for jobs. To stand out among these talents, you have to highlight your superior skills that lead to better results. Present these results to your potential employers and clients. Always remember to quantify these results because numbers rule the universe.

Read Also: 6 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand for A Successful Career

Good Luck!