معهد القاهرة العالي للهندسة وعلوم الحاسب والإدارة

About معهد القاهرة العالي للهندسة وعلوم الحاسب والإدارة

تبلورت فكرة إنشاء المعهد فى صيف عام 1993 وقام السيد الاستاذ الدكتور / محمد عبد المنعم حشيش الأستاذ بكلية الهندسه – جامعة القاهرة وصاحب فكرة إنشاء المعهد بعرضها على مجموعة من أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالجامعات المصرية ذوى الخبرة العلـمية والعملية والممارسة المهنية الواسعة، وأجمعت الآراء على ضرورة انشاء مؤسسة تعليمية متخصصة فى علوم وهندسة نظم الحاسبات والالكترونيات والادارة وتطبيقاتهم المختلفة تعكس الخـبرة العلمية والعملية لاعضاء هيئة التدريس بالجامعات وتقدم خدمة تعليمية متميزة لاعداد خريجين قادرين على التعامل مع تكنولوجيا العصر بصورة تتفق مع احتياجات السوق المحلى والعالمى .

49 Job openings in معهد القاهرة العالي للهندسة وعلوم الحاسب والإدارة

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply

-Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees assigned to him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, co More...

Employer Active Posted on 11 Oct | Full Time | Easy Apply