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About معهد الجيزة العالي للهندسة والتكنولوجيا
أنشئ معهد الجيزة العالى للهندسة والتكنولوجيا عام 2007 طبقاً لقانون جمهورية مصر العربية رقم (52) لسنة (1970) بناء علي القرار الوزاري رقم (2521) بتاريخ (13/9/2007) والذي تم منحه إلي جمعية مستقبل مصر للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والتنمية ببدء الدراسة إعتباراً من العام الجامعي (2007/2008) في تخصصات الهندسة الصناعية و الكيمائية و المواد. وحرصاً من مجلس إدارة المعهد علي تقديم أفضل التخصصات في مجال الخدمات الهندسية فقد عملنا جاهدين علي تحقيق ذلك ، وكان نتيجة ذلك صدور القرار الوزاري رقم (3856) بتاريخ (3/2/2008) بتغيير تخصصات المعهد إلي الهندسة المعمارية والإتصالات والإلكترونيات. وفي عام 2009 حصل المعهد علي القرار الوزاري رقم (3899) بتاريخ (28/12/2009) بالتعديل النهائي لتخصصات المعهد لتكون (الهندسة المدنية – الهندسة المعمارية – هندسة الإتصالات والإلكترونيات).
10 Job openings in معهد الجيزة العالي للهندسة والتكنولوجيا
Assistant Professor Specializing In Architecture
Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees designated for him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, More...
Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees designated for him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, More...
Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees designated for him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, More...
Assistant Professor Specializing In Mathematics
Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees designated for him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, More...
Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees designated for him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, More...
Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees designated for him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, More...
Assistant Professor Specializing In Communications And Electronics Engineering
Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees designated for him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, More...
Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees designated for him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, More...
Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees designated for him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, More...
Professor Of Communications And Electronics Engineering
Teaching to students - Contributing to the supervision of field training students, faculty members’ courses, and network courses - Participating in membership in committees designated for him by the department or college. - Contributing to scientific activities such as courses, More...