We are looking for our new Product Line Marketing Sportstyle!
The main mission of this position will be to manage the entire product offering to meet the expectations of targeted consumers based on the brand strategy and the Business Unit / Business Division.
The main responsibilities include:
- Codeveloping the vision for the sport and its positioning as well as concepts in collaboration with the marketing teams.
- Developing the product offering strategy and designing the product offering structure.
- Identifying trends market needs consumer demands and deficiencies.
- Managing pacing and coordinating deliverables for seasonal milestones within the scope.
- Defining KPIs for margins deadlines etc. in collaboration with the merchandising teams.
- Participating in defining the elements of the business package for the product offering (communication tools product arguments launch strategy etc. in collaboration with the marketing teams.
- Contributing to the innovation plan and participating in product development projects.
- Setting directions for the team facilitating the setting of individual objectives creating conditions for success providing regular feedback and ensuring team engagement and development to help achieve both individual and business goals.
Responsible Purchasing Practices (FLA):
Complying with the Fair Labor Associations Workplace Code of Conduct and the principles of Fair Labor and Responsible Sourcing throughout the supply chain.
Nous recherchons notre nouveau Responsable Ligne de Produit Sportstyle!
La mission principale de ce poste sera de piloter lentiret de loffre produit correspondant aux attentes des consommateurs cibls partir de la stratgie de marque et de la BU / Business Division.
Les principales responsabilits comprennent:
- Coconstruire la vision du sport et son positionnement ainsi que les concepts en collaboration avec les quipes marketing.
- Elaborer la stratgie de dveloppement des offres produits er concevoir la structure de Ioffre produit.
- Identifier les tendances les besoins des marchs des consommateurs et dfaillants.
- Piloter rythmer et animer les livrables pour les jalons de saison pour son primtre.
- Dfinir les KPIs marges dlais en collaboration avec les quipes merchandising.
- Participer la dfinition des lments du business package de loffre produits outils de communication argumentaire produit stratgie de lancement etc... en collaboration avec les quipes marketing.
- Contribuer au plan dinnovation et participer aux projets de dveloppement produits.
- Fixer les orientations de son quipe faciliter la fixation dobjectifs individuels crer les conditions de russite assurer un feedback rgulier et assurer lengagement et le dveloppement de lquipe afin de laider atteindre ses objectifs et ceux du business.
Pratiques dachats responsables (FLA):
Respecter le Code de conduite Fair Labor Associations Workplace et les principes Fair Labor and Responsible Sourcing Travail quitable et Approvisionnement Responsable tout au Iong de la chane dapprovisionnement.
Qualifications :
The ideal candidate will have a Masters degree (Bac5 and demonstrate a minimum of 5 years of professional experience in marketing or merchandising.
We also require perfect mastery of the Microsoft Office Suite and knowledge of the sports industry.
The main desired skills are:
- Communication: Ability to convey information clearly and adapt style and tone to different audiences.
- Relationship building: Ability to build quality relationships between different stakeholders and work in a winwin spirit.
- Strategic skills: Ability to apply the Groups strategy at the Sportstyle level with good intelligence.
Le candidat idal sera diplom niveau Bac5 et dmontrera minimum 5 ans dexprience professionnelle en marketing ou en merchandising.
Nous demandons galement la parfaite matrise du Pack Office ainsi quune connaissance du mileu du sport.
Les comptences principales souhaites sont:
- Communication capacit relayer les informations de manire claire et a adapter son style et ton diffrentes audiences.
- Relationship building une capacit construire des relations de qualits entre les diffrentes parties prenantes et travailler dans un esprit winwin.
- Strategic skills capacit appliquer la stratgie du Groupe au niveau du Sportstyle en bonne intelligence.
Additional Information :
Permanent position based in Annecy France (and Paris in the future).
Poste CDI bas Annecy (et Paris dans le futur).
Remote Work :
Employment Type :