drjobs Sample Preparation Technician - General Labour

Sample Preparation Technician - General Labour

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1 Vacancy

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Job Location drjobs

Quebec - Canada

Monthly Salary drjobs

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Salary Not Disclosed


1 Vacancy

Job Description

The main duties of the Sample Preparation Technician are to perform the pre and postdrying preparation of various ores in accordance with customer work order instructions internal guidelines and ISOASTM quality laboratory procedures.

    Unpack sort transfer and help dry samples
    Sample preparation before or after drying as required. Follow customer inhouse and ISOASTM methods depending on the job.
    Follow requests and understand the request for analysis document. Keep work area clean and organized. Disposal of materials is done according to laboratory procedures and any special requirements. 
    Ensure that equipment is well maintained and notify the supervisor or group leader of any damage defective equipment or adjustments to be made to equipment (e.g. grease ball bearing equipment). 
    Assist lab technicians as needed. Such as pulverizing crushing and sieving

Qualifications :


  • Education: High school diploma.
  • Experience: 0 to 1 year of relevant work experience required or equivalent experience obtained through training.

Specific technical skills

  • Excellent analytical and mechanical skills.
  • Ability to perform routine bench testing.
  • A willingness to learn new tests new instruments and new analytical procedures.
  • Be able to read understand and follow work instructions accurately and in a timely manner.
  • Demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Ability to work in a group situation and independently.
  • Proven time management skills and attention to detail.
  • Ability to work well under pressure.
  • Extended hours and shift work may be required on occasion.
  • Travel to other SGS sites or clients is to be expected from time to time.


Additional Information :

SGS est un employeur offrant lgalit des chances et de ce fait nous recrutons embauchons formons et promouvons des personnes dans toutes les classes demploi sans distinction sur la base de la race la couleur la religion le sexe lorigine nationale du handicap lge ltat matrimonial lorientation sexuelle lidentit ou lexpression de genre le statut autochtone ou toute autre caractristique protge par la loi.

Pour exercer ce travail avec succs lindividu doit tre en mesure daccomplir chacune des tches essentielles de manire satisfaisante avec ou sans amnagements raisonnables. Les exigences numres cidessus reprsentent les connaissances comptences et/ou aptitudes requises.

Cette description de poste ne doit pas tre interprte comme constituant une dclaration exhaustive des tches responsabilits ou exigences mais plutt comme une description gnrale du poste. Rien dans ce document ne limite les droits de lentreprise assigner ou rassigner des tches et responsabilits ce poste tout moment.

Des accommodements sont disponibles sur demande pour les candidats qualifis et ce chaque tape du processus de recrutement. Veuillez noter que les candidats postulant pour des offres demploi au Canada doivent tre autoriss travailler au Canada.


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