- Ensure the Quality of Raw Materials Intermediates Finished Goods and Packing materials pertaining to Construction Chemicals Plant as per the QC specification
- To generate Certificate of Analysis for all the batches produced.
- Maintain Control samples of all the FG and raw materials with tracking records
- Preparation of lab batch of finish goods when required
- Ensure and help out for timely calibration of instruments used in QC testing.
- To ensure compliance to ISO Standards.
- To ensure the availability of Material Safety Data Sheet of materials pertaining to Construction Chemicals Plant.
- To ensure and help out compliance for all kinds of audits done in the laboratory.
- To maintain records pertaining to QC testing of all the materials related to Production in Construction Chemicals Plant.
- To maintain file for raw material certificate of analysis monthwise
- Excel entries for finished goods / raw materials and to generate daily reports
- To ensure resources in the laboratory to make sure that there is no delay in the Productivity due to delay in testing.
- Investigation of customer complaint for root cause analysis in cordination with quality control officer
- Ensure highest standard of Safety in Laboratory all time
- Ensure effective utilization of laboratory equipment in Lab.
- To maintain lab consumables record on monthly basis
- Ensure continual improvements in the testing procedures of raw material packing material and finished goods.
- Monitor SPC chart for admixture system / construction system products for key parameters on monthly basis
- Unsafe Act / Unsafe Condition/ Stop card/ Quality near miss to be reported with documented evidence on monthly basis in coordination with quality control officer
- Monitor and review MSDS management for Turbhe plant ensure all the MSDS are up to date and available in hard copies with index list
- Maintain details pertaining to reprocess and rework with documented records on monthly basis
- Weight of the finished products cross checked on daily basis randomly. Cross verification on daily basis and records are in place.
- To train lab technician for all the activities pertaining to QC and maintain regular housekeeping in QC Lab
- Ensure and maintain overall cleanliness of Tools Equipments and good housekeeping in the work area ensure everyone in the laboratory wears relevant PPEs while working and develop a safety culture not only in the lab but also in the plant
Qualifications :
BSc. In chemistry 5 years of experience in relevant field
Additional Information :
Remote Work :
Employment Type :