Rejoignez notre quipe talentueuse et lancezvous avec nous dans une aventure vidoludique indite ! Nous sommes la recherche dun(e) Donjons et Dragons qui mettra contribution ses talents dans notre projet PC/console Dungeons & Dragons. Ce jeu novateur fusionnera des mcaniques actionRPG/survie avec les lments uniques des jeux de simulation de vie pour redfinir le genre et captiver limagination des joueurs du monde entier.
Tches principales:
- Veiller ce que les objectifs fixs par le producteur du projet et les objectifs de sprint soient atteints
- Effectuer un suivi des objectifs et des dates dchance afin de garantir la livraison des diffrents travaux
- Grer les tches dans les outils de production pertinents afin de superviser correctement le travail de leurs membres dquipe (Jira Confluence etc.)
- valuer analyser et rsoudre les problmes lis la gestion de projet
- Aider planifier et grer les versions et les builds
- Planifier et animer des runions quotidiennes dquipe
- Organiser des activits de renforcement dquipe
Join our talented team as we embark on an uncharted gaming adventure! Were on the lookout for an Dungeons & Dragons to contribute their skills to our Dungeons & Dragons PC/console project. This innovative game will blend actionRPG/survival features with the unique elements of lifesimulation games to redefine the genre and capture the imaginations of players worldwide.
Main Tasks:
- Ensures that the projects producerset goals and sprint goals are accomplished
- Follows up on the goals and due dates in order to ensure the delivery of various work assigned to their team
- Manages tasks in relevant production tools in order to properly supervise their team members work (Jira Confluence etc.)
- Evaluates analyzes and resolves issues related to project management
- Helps plan and manage releases and builds
- Schedules and leads daily team meetings
- Organizes teambuilding exercises
Qualifications :
- Baccalaurat en gestion informatique ou domaines connexes
- Au moins 3 ans dexprience en production pertinente dans lindustrie du jeu vido ou un background similaire dans la sortie de produits logiciels
- Solides comptences en communication crite et verbale
- Passion pour les jeux vido sur console et/ou mobiles et connaissance approfondie de ceuxci
- Organis et rigoureux capable de grer plusieurs priorits et chances
- Exprience dans le lancement dun projet PC/console
- Bachelors degree in management computer science or related field
- At least 3 years of relevant production experience in the video game industry or similar background releasing software products
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Passion for and indepth knowledge of console and/or mobile video games
- Organized and thorough able to manage multiple priorities and deadlines
- Experience launching a PC/console project
Additional Information :
Why join us
- Careerdevelopment opportunities.
- Dynamic demanding and motivating working environment within a fast growing company.
- Challenging and rewarding work on the next great frontiers in games.
- An international environment which offers daily contact with other countries & cultures.
- Excellent local working conditions (quality of office geographical location of the office).
To apply please provide an English version of your resume
More about Gameloft:
A leading digital and social game publisher Gameloft has established itself as one of the top innovators in its field since 2000. Gameloft creates games for all digital platforms and is present on all continents distributes its games in over 100 countries and employs 6700 employees.
Every day over 2 million Gameloft games are downloaded to mobile phones.
Gameloft operates its own established franchises such as Asphalt Order & Chaos Modern Combat or Dungeon Hunter and also partner with major rights holders including Universal Illumination Disney Marvel Hasbro Fox Digital Entertainment Mattel and Ferrari.
Remote Work :
Employment Type :