HM Note: This hybrid contract role is three (3) days in office. Candidates resume must include first and last name.
Role: Senior Security Specialists
1. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Support the development UAT and Production of OPS Secure environments including:
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Monitoring the health performance and status of service components (e.g. technology stack).
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Starting and stopping service components.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Backing up or recovering service components (e.g. associated data or configurations).
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Tuning service components.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Maintaining service components (e.g. applying patches renewing certificates or licenses).
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Triaging analysing and resolving incidents.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Identifying analysing and resolving problems related to OPS and BPS Secure.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Assessing the impacts of changes on OPS Secure including changes raised by clients and service providers (e.g. ITS CompuCom Telus).
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Documenting maintenance and support requirements and procedures.
2. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Provide oncall support for the OPS Secure production and production verification environments 24x7.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Participate in incident management activities as an incident analyst or tier2/tier3 SME.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Participate in change management as a change assessor change analyst or application SME.
3. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Support clients across the OPS and BPS to support integrations with their applications using OPS Secure and BPS Secure for identity and access management by:
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Analyzing client technical requirements designing approaches/solutions.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Describing patterns related to integration approaches/solutions.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Developing processes and plans that support the application of patterns.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Constructing testing and deploying solutions.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Analyzing and resolving problems encountered during integration.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Developing utilities scripts applets and reports to facilitate and automate the integration experience.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Documenting approaches/solutions.
4. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Improve the support posture of the OPS Secure team by:
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Developing requirements for support tools.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Evaluating and recommending tools.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Installing and configuring tools.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Developing testing and deploying programmatic constructs (e.g. scripts queries views reports procedures or other).
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Documenting maintenance and support requirements and procedures.
5. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Foster a team culture of excellence and innovation including:
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Developing or informing the development of role descriptions for the sustainment of OPS Secure especially related to the technical support function.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Developing plans for the knowledge and skills transfer to OPS employees including activities or tests to demonstrate the successful transfer of knowledge and attainment of required skills. OPS employees include IT Source People Placement Service resources.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Developing plans for the transition of sustainment functions to OPS employees.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Transferring knowledge to OPS employees.
Experience and Skill Set Requirements
1. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Sustainment of Large Identity Systems 40%
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;10 years experience sustaining (e.g. administration operations support patching monitoring starting/ stopping) COTS based identity and access management systems.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;At least 4 years experience must be related to Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite Plus.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;At least 4 years experience must be related to implementations with over 10000 registered users.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;3 years experience with the Oracle unified Methodology (OUM) for COTS implementations.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;2 years of experience with Nagios and other system monitoring tools (e.g. Big Brother)
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Working Knowledge and understanding of IT Security Technologies particularly encryption and authentication technologies such as PKI PMI and SSL.
2. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Sustainment of Large Application Implementations 30%
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;10 years experience designing developing deploying and sustaining large application implementations based on the following technology products: Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite OHS Tomcat Windows Internet Information Server (IIS) IBM HTTP Server Apache IBM WebSphere Oracle database 11g (and later) Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition Solaris Windows AIX and Linux.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Experience with ITIL processes such as Service Level Management Problem Management Change Management Release Management and Capacity Management.
and nbsp;
3. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Incident and Problem Management 20%
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;10 years experience triaging analysing diagnosing (i.e. troubleshooting) evaluating options and resolving application problems especially those related to identity and access management systems and the above technologies.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Experience with decision making processes.
and nbsp;
4. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Quality Assurance 10%
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;10 years experience with quality control and assurance methodologies and practices as applied to the implementation of applications with over 10000 users.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Experience with Change Management and Release Management as processes supporting the implementation of large applications.
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Experience with automated testing tools such as Team Foundation Server (TFS).
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;3 years experience with the Oracle Unified Methodology (OUM) for COTS implementations or its predecessors (e.g. Oracle Application Implementation Methodology (AIM)) or equivalents.
Must Have:
- 10 years experience sustaining (e.g. administration operations support patching monitoring starting/ stopping) COTS based identity and access management systems.
- At least 4 years experience must be related to Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite Plus.
- Working Knowledge and understanding of IT Security Technologies particularly encryption and authentication technologies such as PKI PMI and SSL.
- 10 years experience designing developing deploying and sustaining large application implementations based on the following technology products: Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite OHS Tomcat Windows Internet Information Server (IIS) IBM HTTP Server Apache IBM WebSphere Oracle database 11g (and later) Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition Solaris Windows AIX and Linux.