drjobs Catholic Religious Education Coordinator

Catholic Religious Education Coordinator

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1 Vacancy

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Aurora, CO - USA

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1 Vacancy

Job Description

The successful candidate for this position will be a 1099 contractor with Music Ministry International and be responsible for the following:

The coordinator works under the supervision of the Wing Chaplain and/or his/her designee in cooperation with the contract Catholic Priest and other staff members. The coordinator is primarily responsible for planning organizing and coordinating the Catholic Religious Education program for infant toddler preschool Preschool Elementary School Junior High School and High School Education and adult studies and programs and events. This may also include single service members residing in the dorms on Buckley AFB. This may include annual Catholic retreats preparation for baptism conformation etc and supervising all Catholic Religious Education for the Catholic Community.

Coordinator may plan or supervise other religious education programming including adult education as deemed necessary in coordination with the Wing Chaplain and the contract Catholic Priest. When designated by the Wing Chaplain the coordinator plans organizes and coordinates Catholic lay activities. Areas may include special ecumenical and Catholic community activities parish registration and record keeping liturgical ministry schedules and other Catholic Community related activities approved through the Wing Chaplain.

1.4 Qualifications

1.4.1 Minimum of an ordination of training through the Catholic Arch Dioceses youth ministry or equivalent or at a minimum of five years work in a similar or related field. Provide evidence of appropriate competence in the form of a resume. Academic and work related references documenting past work performance and character is required. Previous experience as a Catholic Religious Education Coordinator is a must.

1.4.2 Must demonstrate ability to fulfill the duties listed in this Performance Work Statement (PWS). Coordinator will undergo an interview to assess past work experience as sufficient to satisfy the terms of the PWS.

1.4.3 Prior experience working with children ages infant to 18 years old in a group setting.

1.4.4 Demonstrate a strong knowledge of Catholic faith practice liturgy and traditions.

1.4.5 Ability to perform the required services with little to no direction.

1.4.6 Demonstrate ability to work in cooperation with Chaplain Corps leadership other coordinators parishioners and volunteers.

1.4.7 Must be able to work in a pluralistic environment (see 1.5.1.) which is not a normal requirement in local churches.

1.4.8 Must have basic computer skills including the use of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office programs.

1.4.9 Must be able to conduct administrative requirements in verbal and written clarity using English as the primary language and clearly communicate in English.

1.4.10 Applicant is subject to a personal background check. Mandatory disqualifying criteria include any conviction of sexual offense a drug felony a violent crime or a criminal offense involving a child or children.

Section 2 DUTIES:

2.1 Primary Responsibilities:

2.1.1 Work with the Deputy Wing Chaplain and the Contract Catholic Priest to prepare and present to the Wing Chaplain for approval an annual budget for the Chapel Tithes & Offering Funds 6 months out; plan and order curriculum 3 months out; and plan and publicize a calendar of events 36 months out pending the events such as Holy Days of Obligation.

2.1.2 Provide classes for nonCatholics who wish to be baptized or enter into full communion of the Catholic Church. Timing and frequency of classes shall be coordinated with the Wing Chaplain or his/her designee and Contracted Catholic Priest.

Ensure that religious instructions for adults youth and children in accordance with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are provided on an individual or group basis appropriate for all ages.

2.1.2. Recruit teachers teacher aids and volunteers (i.e. song leader craft coordinator snack coordinator etc.) for Religious Education (RE) program. Also be prepared to lead RE classes during volunteer shortages.

2.1.3 Work with NCOIC Chapel Operations or his/her designee to ensure teachers or substitutes have a secured background check and are cleared to work with children 17 years of age and younger; are properly trained equipped and present to teach/lead all scheduled classes. Oversee and secure Chapel facility before during and after Catholic RE programs.

2.1.4 Enroll and keep records of all Catholic RE students. Attendance figures will be turned into the NCOIC Chapel Operations or his/her designee to validate attendance and ensure accurate record keeping for AFCCARS on a weekly occurrence.

2.1.5 Acquire and maintain all supplies and resources necessary for running the Catholic RE program to include Adult Bible Studies and Events childrens church programs and other religious education programs as applicable. This includes filling out either/or or both the Appropriated Funds request or the Chapel Tithes & Offering Funds request to ensure purchases are made on time.

2.1.6 Within the first month of being hired the coordinator will submit to the Wing Chaplain and/or his/her designee and the Contract Priest a list of at least two (2) qualified substitutes for approval in case of an emergency or planned absence. The Wing Chaplain and/or his/her designee inconjunction with the Contract Priest reserves the right to refuse the services of such a substitute if he/she is deemed unqualified. The substitute will be compensated by the coordinator. Ensure a substitute with at least equal qualifications listed in 1.4 is provided. The Contract Priest and/or Deputy Wing Chaplain must be notified by coordinator or substitute of a planned absence at least two (2) weeks in advance. Substitutes will be required to attend all previously scheduled Catholic RE events in the absence of the Catholic RE Coordinator.

2.1.7 Complete facility requests as required to reserve chapel facilities IAW local Chapel Operating Instructions (460 SW/HC OI 52101). When completing facility requests all facility requests must be approved by the Wing Chaplain or his/her designee before assuming space has reserved for Protestant activities.

Responsible for all set up prior to the events cleanup following events and ensuring security of the Chapel facility as outlined in the current Facility Use Guidelines.

2.1.8 Coordinate with the NCOIC Chapel Operations or his/her designee in initiating and maintaining annual background checks on all teachers substitute teachers and helpers 18 years of age or older.

2.1.9 Develop execute oversee and record the entire Catholic Religious Education Program by coordinating the Infant Toddler Preschool Elementary School Junior High School and High School Education programs as well as Adult Studies programs and events. This could include single service members residing in the dorms on Buckley Air Force Base.

2.1.10 Catholic RE will be present at the Catholic Religious Education facility when classes are in session to provide for the administrative needs of students teachers and parents.

2.1.11 Attend staff meetings and Catholic Parish Council meetings as required and directed by Wing Chaplain.

2.1.12 Coordinator will set and maintain published office hours on average 25 hours a week but the exact work schedule is to be arranged with the 460th Space Wing Chaplain (460th SW/HC) and/or his/her designee and the Contract Priest and may be adjusted to meet mission requirements. The work schedule will include any meetings training purchasing of supplies office hours and programming where attendance is necessary to completing duties in this PWS. The set and published office hours will be approved by the Wing Chaplain and/or his/her designee.

2.1.13 Provide classes from covering the creed sacraments scripture RCIA process and Catholic mystagogy.

2.1.14 Provide liturgical rites in accordance with The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) as needed.

2.1.15 Provide parental baptism preparation classes for parents wishing to have a child baptized. Provide appropriate formation and education in the preparation of reception of the sacraments of Eucharist Confirmation Penance and Marriage.

2.2 Secondary Specific Responsibilities: The Wing Chaplain may designate that the coordinator assist the Deputy Wing Chaplain Contract Catholic Priest and the Chapel Secretary with the following tasks:

2.2.1 Facilitate the flow of information to Catholic parishioners through the weekly bulletin bulletin boards newsletters special mailings and lay minister schedules. Information leaving the chapel must have a quality check accomplished by the Chapel Secretary.

2.2.2 Coordinate with Contract Priest to provide opportunities for Catholic attendees to give feedback on Catholic RE programs and decisions effecting RE Programs. Ensure Contract Priest is provided with feedback as received.

2.2.3 Develop agenda items in coordination with the Deputy Wing Chaplain and the Contract Catholic Priest for the Parish Council.

Interested Candidates are requested to forward their resume together with three references from individuals who can attest to the candidates good work and steadiness. Candidates who do not possess the specific attributes/qualifications in 1.4 Qualifications above need not apply. This is a parttime position with compensation based on budget and the successful candidates experience and qualifications.

Apply directly at: (scroll down to Buckley) in order to expedite your application. Your application requires providing reference information for (3) individuals including one priest or pastor who can attest to your abilities as they relate to this job posting. References must include: name title organization relationship to you email address (necessary field) and phone number. Depending on security software candidates are requested to monitor spam folders for further application communications from MMI.

Employment Type

Full Time

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