Essential Qualifications/Experience:
Extensive knowledge involvement and service in NATO BMD mission and strong network in the NATO BMD community. Must have been previously involved in BMD Operational User Group (OUG) activities either as an active member or a chairman
Demonstrable experience with developing BMD curriculum for NATO. Must have previously developed for BMD programme following artefacts:
Individual Training Views (ITV) and Logical Individual Training Viewpoints (LITV)
Training Needs Analysis
Course Control Documentation I II and III
Experience with developing training curricula and/or training programs including course materials for technical training in the BMD domain
Experience with development of technical documentation training materials and instructional aids specifically for the BMD domain
Extensive experience working with NCIA NCI Academy ACT SHAPE and other NCS HQs in relation with NATO BMD Programme
Extensive knowledge of and practical user experience with NATO BMD BMC3I systems (ACCS AirC2IS TOPFAS NCOP Intel FS JEMM) air defence weapon systems sensors and communications and current NATO C4ISR systems like NATO ICC
Extensive experience with capturing BMD system requirements and business/operational workflows.
Must have the nationality of one of the NATO nations
Desirable Qualifications/Experience:
Experience with producing Capability Packages for (Theatre) Missile Defence Capabilities
Prior experience of working in an international environment comprising both military and civilian elements
Knowledge of NATO responsibilities and organization including ACO and ACT
Reviewing current NATO BMD related standards directives policies and standard operating procedures; providing analysis results to the BMD curriculum development
Collaborating with BMD operational users to collect information for BMD Curriculum and suggest content to the NCIA project team
Conducting Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and develop course materials for the systems in the BMD Programme in cooperation the relevant stakeholders (operators project teams academy staff)
Supporting NCIA with expert opinions at BMD Curriculum related venues such as IAMD Annual Discipline Conference
Aligning and adapting BMD courses with the BMD CONEMP by creating links or adding references to the CONEMP from within course materials
Providing BMD subject matter knowledge to the NCIA project team