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You will be updated with latest job alerts via emailHighGrassFarmsLLCisafastgrowingwomenownedlocalcultivator/manufacturerspecializinginthehighestqualitycannabisproductsNewJerseyhastooffer.Constantly focused on developing and ingenuity HGF strives to achieve this by adding skilled and motivatedteamplayers.Thesegoalsaremetbyseekingoutdiversetalentedindividualstofurtherthecompanysmissionandprovideuniqueandnewideas.Asthebusiness continues to grow our team will continue to grow allowing us to be the best in ourspecialized market. If you are motivated eager to learn dedicated flexible and excitedaboutjoininganincredibleindustryHighGrassFarmsistheperfectplacetobe!
The Manufacturing Manager works closely with the Cultivation Processing and Sales Departments. As a Manufacturing Manager you will report directly to the Chief Operating Officer. This position is responsible for ensuring manufacturedcannabis productsare beingcreatedin a mannerthat meetscompliancestandardsandproperuseofMETRC.TheManufacturingManagerwilldevelopandleadthe manufacturingdepartmentwithafocusontop quality solventlessprocessesand productsthatarealignedwithHighGrassFarmsbrandsandmarketneeds.Italso involves the reconciliation of cannabis manufactured inventories and integrationbetween METRC and ERP systems.This position requires working directly with theOperationsMangementteamtoachieveorganizationalgoals.Theidealcandidatemust have a strong attention to detail leadership and excellent communication skillsaswellasexperienceworkinginahighlyregulatedindustry.
Throughextendedperiodsmustbecapableof sittingsquattingstandingkneeling bending or walking throughout the workday.
Must be capable of working in front of a computer for extended periods of time basedon job duties.
The IdealCandidate:
High Grass Farms (HGF) has a strong commitment to Diversity Equity and Inclusionandaspirestobereflectiveofthediversecommunitiesweserve.We aim to attract and hire qualified candidates who hold these same values providediverseperspectivesandcontributetocreatingaworkplacewhereall employees experience a sense of belonging.
High Grass Farms is proud to provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants regardless of race color religion sex gender sexual orientation age national origin ancestry disability genetics Veteran status or anyother characteristic protectedbystatefederal andlocal laws. In addition to federal law requirements HGF complies with applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment in every location in which the company has facilities.
NOTE: Thisjobdescription isnotintendedto beallinclusive. Employeesmay perform other related duties as assigned to meet the ongoing needs of theorganization.
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