Role: Playwright Automation Tester
Work Location: Austin TX 78728 (Day one Onsite)
Duration: Long Term
Interview: Webex Hire
Must Have:
- Solid experience in Playwright
- Team Center experience will be huge Plus.
- Strong experience in Integration and API services
- UI Test also required.
- Good Communication skills.
- 08 years of experience in Test Automation
- Experience designing developing & implementing test automation frameworks/tools such as Worksoft Tosca UFT Selenium TestNG JUnit Cucumber Cypress Playwright PyTest XCUI test etc.
- Experience developing in Python or Java familiar with databases SQL and scripting languages.
- Excellent knowledge of QA automation methodologies processes and tools.
- Experience managing multiple automation journeys across companies and testing phases from Integration Testing or/and end to end User Acceptance Testing.
- Experience designing developing & implementing test automation frameworks for large integrated systems cutting across multiple tech stacks.
- Solid foundation in computer science with proficiencies in data structures algorithms refactoring and test automation.
Best Regards
Nagasisindri Pujala Sr. Technical Recruiter
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