drjobs Technology Architect HL7FHIR 0221-0614

Technology Architect HL7FHIR 0221-0614

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Job Description

HM Note: This remote contract role is fully remote. Candidates must reside in Canada and provide their own computer

Must haves:
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Minimum 10 years handson experience in HL7 data exchange standards and terminology development maintenance and publication
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Extensive knowledge and understanding of digital exchange standards such as and nbsp;Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) and use of vocabularies
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Excellent Communication skills both verbal and written and strong stakeholder engagement skills
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Time Management with the ability to manage tight deadlines and prioritize multiple projects

and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Conducts requirements gathering develops documentation including presentations and briefing notes and conducts stakeholder engagement
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Work with different stakeholders and subject matter experts from different backgrounds (clinical business and technical).
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Interacts with the business stakeholders and subject matter experts in order to understand their requirements through gathering documenting and analyzing business needs and requirements.

Desired Skills:
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Familiarity with Microsoft Products with a preference for candidates that have experience with Microsoft based cloud tools (e.g. Microsoft Office 365).
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Excellent analytical problemsolving and decisionmaking skills; verbal and written communication skills; interpersonal and negotiation skills
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;A team player with a track record for meeting deadlines

Required Skills:
1. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Subject matter expertise with health data exchange standards assessment selection development maintenance and implementation
2. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Good understanding of panCanadian and Ontario digital health landscape trends and challenges
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Experience with research and analysis
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Excellent communication and collaboration skills
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Excellent partner management skills
and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Experience with Strategy development
and nbsp;
Required Experience / Evaluation Criteria: and nbsp; and nbsp;
  1. Knowledge and experience designing and implementing HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard by demonstrating experience and processes for conducting detailed standards research gap analysis and recommendations.: 15 Points
  2. Knowledge and experience developing and maintaining HL7 FHIR implementation guides including publication versioning ongoing maintenance and deprecation including work with standards development organizations or standards maintenance organizations to advance the quality and usability of standards.: 15 Points
  3. Knowledge and handson experience with the development and implementation of HL7 FHIR standards and other legacy data exchange standards used in a highly complex jurisdictional health data exchange environment involving cross enterprise system integration for multiple purposes including direct care data analytics system planning and research.: 15 and nbsp;Points
  4. Experience in developing provincial data exchange strategy and implementation plans including engagement with partners to assess/ define the approach for FHIR and terminology standards alignment and to coordinate and author strategic deliverables.: and nbsp;30 and nbsp;Points
  5. Experience in implementing interoperable digital health solutions including assessing readiness of existing clinical information systems for collection/submission of standardsbased clinical information to the EHR. : 10 and nbsp;Points
  6. Knowledge and handson experience with identifier management (e.g. object identifiers uniformed resource identifier etc.) for crossenterprise health data exchange.: 10 and nbsp;Points
  7. Knowledge and understanding of the standards lifecycle and the Digital Health standards landscape (Canadian/panCanadian and international standards) and Digital Health initiatives in other jurisdictions (local regional provincial) is an asset.: 5 and nbsp;Points

Deliverables Include:
1. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Confirm data exchange strategic goals objectives and guiding principles in the context of collect once and use many for direct care and subsequent data use as identified in the Ontario Health data and analytics strategy and Ontario Health data and analytics operating model areas of focus.
2. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Develop a stakeholder engagement plan for within Ontario Health and partner organizations.
3. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Engage key stakeholders to undertake a current state assessment of data exchange services base standards versions and data exchange practices within Ontario Health (and partner organizations (federal national provincial territorial and local/Ontario Health Teams)) including evaluation of scope of services standards supported tooling governance maintenance processes operational models etc. including in the context of data governance and the information management planning.
4. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Perform analysis of existing services offered by Ontario Health identify opportunities for data definition and specification harmonization and consolidation and define the future requirements to support collect once use many in Ontario.
5. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Perform analysis of the standard identifiers (e.g. object identifiers uniformed resource identifier) used in the health data exchange current identifier management approach and challenges and make recommendations for the future identifier management model and transition strategy.
6. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Assess evolving enterprise data exchange requirements as a result of digital health trends such as Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing use of interface data exchange solutions etc. and plans for existing tool evolution and trends in Canada and with partners.
7. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Identify alignment opportunities to the OH Information Management Plan Data for Connected Health Digital Health Information Exchange (DHIEX) Program OH data governance framework and other data governance related strategies and plans as appropriate.
8. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Identify alignment opportunities with the OH Interoperable Enterprise Terminology Strategy and implementation work
9. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Identify opportunities to address gaps and align with strategic goals and partner organizations including consideration of people process technology and change.
10. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Develop a recommended interoperable enterprise data exchange strategy including:
a. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Shortterm and longerterm plans
b. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;An implementation roadmap
c. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Cross enterprise identifier management approach
d. and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp; and nbsp;Roles and responsibilities between Ontario Health and partner organizations

. and nbsp;
Knowledge Transfer Details:
The Candidate will ensure full knowledge transfer is provided to the Ontario Health team before end of engagement. Some of this might occur at the end of the engagement but will also be shared as information is obtained/consolidated. Key deliverables will be shared with team.
The Candidate must provide all related documentation as part of Knowledge transfer protocol. Documents will be reviewed by the appropriate leads and signed off by manager/director.
The candidate will work collaboratively with OH team throughout the assignment and ensure key deliverables milestones and documentation are shared.
A walkthrough of any demos development etc. will be required before end of engagement.

Must Haves:
  • Minimum 10 years handson experience in HL7 data exchange standards and terminology development maintenance and publication
  • Minimum 10 years of extensive knowledge and understanding of digital exchange standards such as and nbsp;Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) and use of vocabularies
  • Minimum 10 years of strong stakeholder engagement skills and excellent communication skills both verbal and written
  • Time Management with the ability to manage tight deadlines and prioritize multiple projects

Employment Type

Full Time

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