School Type: Private English Academo
Location: Guri city Gyeonggi do
Starting Date: End of Jan 2025
Teaching age group: Elementary Middle school students
Working Hours: 9:30AM6:30PM
Salary: 2.4 m 2.6 million won
Vacation: about 11 days national holidays (Granted 15 days in the second year)
No. of native teacher: 4
Benefits: Fully Furnished Housing National pension(50/50) Health insurance(50/50) Severance payment oneway plane ticket to return home
Be a native English Speaker
Hold a passport from 7 English Speaking countries(USA UK CA IR AU NZ SA)
Hold a Bachelors degree from 7 English Speaking countries(USA UK CA IR AU NZ SA)
No Criminal history
National pension(50/50)
Health insurance(50/50)
Severance payment
oneway plane ticket to return home