Roles and responsibilities
- Review comments of Instrument documents- Instrument data sheets and specification, Instrument index, System Input/Output list, Level sketches, Alarm & Trip Schedule
- Preparation of Instrument documents- Control and Safety system specification, Control and Safety System modification scope of work, Instrument Design basis, Instrument Specification for Package equipment, Cause & Effect Diagram, Functional Logic Diagram, Control narrative
- Review and checking of Instrument drawings-Instrument cable block diagram, Cable schedule, Instrument Location layout drawing, Control room Layout drawing, Instrument wiring diagram, Loop Diagram, Instrument Hook-up Diagram, MCT drawing, Cable routing and trench layout drawings, Bill Of Materials, Instrument Earthing Diagram, System Architecture diagram,
- Selection of Instruments for Hazardous area application, Instrument signal grouping
- On Shore instrumentation- Design and selection of Flow, Pressure, Level, Temperature measuring elements, Transmitters, Control valve, ESD Valve, Partial stroking system, Blowdown valves, MOV, Tank gauging system, PRV, PCV, Foundation fieldbus, Serial Communication, Fiber optic communication, F&G Instruments, Bulk Materials
- Off shore special instrumentation- WHCP, ICSS, RTU, SCADA, DHG, MPFM, Hydraulic Power Unit, Choke valve, Sub-sea Umbilical cable
- Instrument Packages-Analyser, Metering skid, Burner Management System
- Inputs to deliverables by various other departments- Input to Material requisition for equipment, Input to P&ID, Input to Control room layout, Input to Cable Trench layout, Input to offshore oil production platform layouts, Input to offshore platform structural weight control report, Input to electrical power consumption list for Instrumentation, Input to air consumption and utility report, Input to project design basis memorandum, Input to control and shutdown philosophy, Input to Fire & Gas Philosophy, Input to HVAC control philosophy
- Inter-discipline review of deliverables from other departments-P&ID, Plot plan, Piping GA drawings, Equipment layouts, Electrical single line diagrams, HVAC duct layouts, Hazardous area classification drawings, F&G Layout drawings, F&G C&E Diagram
- Material Requisition and Technical Bid Evaluation for Instrument and Systems
- Vendor drawing review for instruments, Instrument packages (Metering skid), equipment (tanks, pumps) and equipment packages (Compressors, Chemical injection skids, HVAC)
- Data retrieval, Site survey & reports generation
- Review of P&ID, Material selection as per piping specification
Desired candidate profile
Minimum 5 years’ experience in FEED and Detailed engineering of new (green field) offshore well head platforms
Minimum 5 years’ experience in FEED and Detailed engineering of modification/upgrade work (brown field) in offshore Oil & Gas well head platforms
10 years’ experience with Reputed detailed Engineering contractor
5 years experience in detailed engineering of Control and Safety Systems (DCS, ESD/SIS, F&G), Machine monitoring system, HIPPS, FACP, HSSD, LCP, IRP, RTU, SCADA
International standards applicable for Instrumentation like AGA, API, ASME, ASTM, BS, IEC, IEEE, ISA, ISO, NACE, NFPA
Familiarisation with Client standards-SHELL DEP, QatarEnergy, TotalEnergies, NOC (North Oil Company), QatarEnergy LNG
Detailed engineering experience with EPC MNC’
Instrument sizing Calculation
Proposal activities-Review of project scope, Technical clarification, prepare list of activities and deliverables required, estimation of man-hours, preparation of method statement, Scope split matrix with EPIC Contractor, Scope of work for Third party services.
Response to Site technical queries, Site commissioning Support