- Development of live prototypes for design review user testing and iteration.
- Integrate communicate and work with API services and teams.
- Update and review development/project status risks and issues.
- Triage technical issues and lead teams toward solving problems.
- Quick iterations.
- Complete development assignments on time with a high level of quality and documentation.
- Support project releases.
Technical Skills & Expertise
- Programming Languages: Proficient in Swift (mandatory) and basic familiarity with ObjectiveC for legacy support.
- Architectural Patterns: Advanced understanding and practical experience with MVVM architecture.
- Frameworks & Libraries: Expertise in UIKit Core Data Core Animation and AVFoundation for camerarelated functionalities.
- Networking: Strong experience with REST APIs Alamofire or other networking libraries.
- Application Lifecycle: Indepth knowledge of app states memory management and threading.
- Version Control: Proficiency with Git including branching and merging strategies.
- Dependency Management: Familiarity with CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager.
api,mvvm architecture,rest apis,app,uikit,core data,saas,core animation,swift package manager,alamofire,cocoapods,avfoundation,objective-c,git,ios development,swift