HM Note: This hybrid contract role is three (3) days in office and commences January 27 2025
Responsibilities: and nbsp;
Required and nbsp;to and nbsp;translate and nbsp;technical and nbsp;systems and nbsp;specifications and nbsp;into and nbsp;working and nbsp;tested and nbsp;applications. and nbsp;This and nbsp;includes: and nbsp;developing and nbsp;detailed and nbsp;programming and nbsp;specifications and nbsp;writing and nbsp;and/or and nbsp;generating and nbsp;code and nbsp;compiling and nbsp;datadriven and nbsp;programs and nbsp;maintaining and nbsp;and and nbsp;conducting and nbsp;unit and nbsp;tests. and nbsp;
Resolves and nbsp;and and nbsp;troubleshoots and nbsp;technical and nbsp;problems and nbsp;which and nbsp;arise and nbsp;during and nbsp;the and nbsp;use and nbsp;and and nbsp;operation and nbsp;of and nbsp;software and nbsp;packages and nbsp;including and nbsp;technical and nbsp;assistance and nbsp;in and nbsp;implementation and nbsp;conversion and nbsp;and and nbsp;migrations. and nbsp;
General and nbsp;Skills: and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;programming and nbsp;and and nbsp;analysis; and nbsp;specialized and nbsp;software and nbsp;package and nbsp;support and nbsp;at and nbsp;the and nbsp;specified and nbsp;experience and nbsp;level and nbsp;
Ability and nbsp;to and nbsp;collaborate and nbsp;with and nbsp;IT and nbsp;Professionals and nbsp;throughout and nbsp;the and nbsp;Software and nbsp;Development and nbsp;Life and nbsp;Cycle and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;structured and nbsp;methodologies and nbsp;for and nbsp;the and nbsp;development and nbsp;design and nbsp;implementation and nbsp;and and nbsp;maintenance and nbsp;of and nbsp;applications and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;design and nbsp;code and nbsp;test and nbsp;debug and nbsp;and and nbsp;document and nbsp;applications and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;the and nbsp;use and nbsp;of and nbsp;object and nbsp;and/or and nbsp;third and nbsp;generation and nbsp;language and nbsp;development and nbsp;tools and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;one and nbsp;or and nbsp;more and nbsp;programming and nbsp;languages and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;application and nbsp;design and nbsp;latest and nbsp;design and nbsp;patters and nbsp;deployment and nbsp;and and nbsp;troubleshooting and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;relational and nbsp;and and nbsp;hierarchical and nbsp;database and nbsp;technologies and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;the and nbsp;use and nbsp;of and nbsp;information and nbsp;retrieval and nbsp;packages and nbsp;using and nbsp;query and nbsp;languages and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;one and nbsp;or and nbsp;more and nbsp;communications and nbsp;protocols and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;structured and nbsp;methodologies and nbsp;for and nbsp;the and nbsp;design and nbsp;development and nbsp;implementation and nbsp;and and nbsp;maintenance and nbsp;of and nbsp;applications and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;eliciting and nbsp;and and nbsp;documenting and nbsp;information and nbsp;from and nbsp;diverse and nbsp;business and nbsp;area and nbsp;stakeholders and nbsp;and and nbsp;subject and nbsp;matter and nbsp;experts and nbsp;
Excellent and nbsp;analytical and nbsp;problemsolving and nbsp;and and nbsp;decisionmaking and nbsp;skills; and nbsp;verbal and nbsp;and and nbsp;written and nbsp;communication and nbsp;skills; and nbsp;interpersonal and nbsp;and and nbsp;negotiation and nbsp;skills and nbsp;
A and nbsp;team and nbsp;player and nbsp;with and nbsp;a and nbsp;track and nbsp;record and nbsp;for and nbsp;meeting and nbsp;deadlines and nbsp;
Desirable and nbsp;Skills: and nbsp;
Knowledge and nbsp;and and nbsp;experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;programming and nbsp;Internetready and nbsp;applications and nbsp;Knowledge and nbsp;and and nbsp;experience and nbsp;in and nbsp;rapid and nbsp;application and nbsp;development and nbsp;(RAD) and nbsp;methodologies and nbsp;
Knowledge and nbsp;and and nbsp;understanding and nbsp;of and nbsp;Information and nbsp;Management and nbsp;principles and nbsp;concepts and nbsp;policies and nbsp;and and nbsp;practices and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;middleware and nbsp;and and nbsp;gateways and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;reviewing and nbsp;analyzing and nbsp;and and nbsp;modifying and nbsp;product and nbsp;installation and nbsp;scripts and nbsp;including and nbsp;encoding and nbsp;testing and nbsp;debugging and nbsp;
Ability and nbsp;to and nbsp;provide and nbsp;postimplementation and nbsp;support and nbsp;and and nbsp;resolve and nbsp;any and nbsp;postimplementation and nbsp;technical and nbsp;issues and nbsp;
Experience and nbsp;conducting and nbsp;design and nbsp;walkthrough and nbsp;sessions and nbsp;with and nbsp;project and nbsp;team and nbsp;
Knowledge and nbsp;and and nbsp;understanding and nbsp;of and nbsp;Accessibility and nbsp;for and nbsp;Ontarians and nbsp;with and nbsp;Disability and nbsp;Act and nbsp;(AODA) and nbsp;and and nbsp;related and nbsp;regulations and nbsp;and and nbsp;standards and nbsp;
Ability and nbsp;to and nbsp;provide and nbsp;user and nbsp;and and nbsp;system and nbsp;documentation and nbsp;as and nbsp;required
Experience and Skill Set Requirements
Responsibilities/Assignment and nbsp;Deliverables and nbsp; and nbsp;Senior and nbsp;Developer
Designs and nbsp;develops and nbsp;and and nbsp;maintains and nbsp;internal and nbsp;and and nbsp;external and nbsp;web and nbsp;applications. and nbsp;Uses and nbsp;knowledge and nbsp;of and nbsp;common and nbsp;web and nbsp;development and nbsp;languages and nbsp;to and nbsp;build and nbsp;and and nbsp;expand and nbsp;application and nbsp;functionality and nbsp;by and nbsp;writing and nbsp;highquality and nbsp;code and nbsp;using and nbsp;appropriate and nbsp;patterns. and nbsp;Ensures and nbsp;applications and nbsp;remain and nbsp;scalable and nbsp;while and nbsp;complying and nbsp;to and nbsp;standards and nbsp;and and nbsp;following and nbsp;best and nbsp;practices. and nbsp;Tests and nbsp;and and nbsp;debugs and nbsp;applications and nbsp;and and nbsp;ensures and nbsp;that and nbsp;software and nbsp;is and nbsp;properly and nbsp;documented. and nbsp;Collaborates and nbsp;clearly and nbsp;and and nbsp;professionally and nbsp;as and nbsp;part and nbsp;of and nbsp;a and nbsp;development and nbsp;team and nbsp;and and nbsp;communicates and nbsp;with and nbsp;clients.
and nbsp;
Mandatory and nbsp;Skills:
- 7 and nbsp;years and nbsp;of and nbsp;web and nbsp;development and nbsp;experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;HTML5 and nbsp;CSS3 and nbsp;SCSS/SASS and nbsp;JavaScript and nbsp;AJAX and nbsp;and and nbsp;jQuery
- 5 and nbsp;years and nbsp;of and nbsp;handson and nbsp;development and nbsp;in and nbsp;C#/ASP.NET and nbsp;including and nbsp;.NET and nbsp;Core
- 3 and nbsp;years and nbsp;of and nbsp;experience and nbsp;developing and nbsp;applications and nbsp;in and nbsp;scriptbased and nbsp;MV* and nbsp;frontend and nbsp;frameworks and nbsp;like and nbsp;Angular and nbsp;(or and nbsp;React) and nbsp;with and nbsp;TypeScript and nbsp;and and nbsp;component and nbsp;libraries
- Experience and nbsp;working and nbsp;with and nbsp;REST and nbsp;APIs and nbsp;SQL and nbsp;and and nbsp;nonrelational and nbsp;databases and nbsp;such and nbsp;as and nbsp;Cosmos and nbsp;DB
- Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;Git and nbsp;and and nbsp;knowledge and nbsp;of and nbsp;source and nbsp;control and nbsp;strategies
- Knowledge and nbsp;of and nbsp;WCAG and nbsp;standards and nbsp;and and nbsp;techniques and nbsp;including and nbsp;WAIARIA and nbsp;and and nbsp;OWASP and nbsp;security and nbsp;principles/best and nbsp;practices
- Solid and nbsp;communications and nbsp;skills: and nbsp;the and nbsp;ability and nbsp;to and nbsp;understand and nbsp;(comprehension) and nbsp;and and nbsp;follow and nbsp;instructions and nbsp;and and nbsp;requirements and nbsp;to and nbsp;communicate and nbsp;clearly and nbsp;and and nbsp;effectively and nbsp;both and nbsp;verbally and nbsp;and and nbsp;in and nbsp;writing.
Nice and nbsp;to and nbsp;have and nbsp;skills:
- Knowledge and nbsp;of and nbsp;Microsoft and nbsp;SharePoint: and nbsp;administration and nbsp;SOAP/REST and nbsp;SharePoint and nbsp;application and nbsp;development and nbsp;(SPFx)
- Experience and nbsp;working and nbsp;with and nbsp;Service and nbsp;Workers
- Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;Microsoft and nbsp;Azure and nbsp;Cloud and nbsp;and and nbsp;DevOps
- Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;Azure and nbsp;Functions
- Experience and nbsp;writing and nbsp;scripts and nbsp;with and nbsp;Python
Software and nbsp;Developer and nbsp; and nbsp;Senior and nbsp; and nbsp;Evaluation and nbsp;Criteria and nbsp;
Price: 30%
Web and nbsp;Dev and nbsp;Skills: 15%
HTML5 and nbsp;CSS3 and nbsp;SCSS/SASS and nbsp;JavaScript and nbsp;AJAX and nbsp;and and nbsp;jQuery
FrontEnd and nbsp;Frameworks: 20%
- Experience and nbsp;developing and nbsp;applications and nbsp;in and nbsp;scriptbased and nbsp;MV* and nbsp;frontend and nbsp;frameworks and nbsp;like and nbsp;Angular and nbsp;(or and nbsp;React) and nbsp;with and nbsp;TypeScript and nbsp;and and nbsp;component and nbsp;libraries
APIs and nbsp;and and nbsp;Databases: 10%
- Working and nbsp;experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;REST and nbsp;APIs and nbsp;SQL and nbsp;and and nbsp;nonrelational and nbsp;databases and nbsp;such and nbsp;as and nbsp;Cosmos and nbsp;DB
Source and nbsp;Control: 5%
- Experience and nbsp;with and nbsp;Git and nbsp;and and nbsp;knowledge and nbsp;of and nbsp;source and nbsp;control and nbsp;strategies
Standards and nbsp;and and nbsp;Best and nbsp;Practices: 5%
- Knowledge and nbsp;of and nbsp;WCAG and nbsp;standards and nbsp;and and nbsp;techniques and nbsp;including and nbsp;WAIARIA and nbsp;and and nbsp;OWASP and nbsp;security and nbsp;principles/best and nbsp;practices
Communications and nbsp;Skills: 5%
- Demonstrates and nbsp;the and nbsp;ability and nbsp;to and nbsp;understand and nbsp;(comprehension) and nbsp;and and nbsp;follow and nbsp;instructions and nbsp;and and nbsp;requirements and nbsp;to and nbsp;communicate and nbsp;clearly and nbsp;and and nbsp;effectively and nbsp;both and nbsp;verbally and nbsp;and and nbsp;in and nbsp;writing.