Prsentation du cabinet :
a.m.i consulting est une entreprise familiale innovante (Le cabinet a obtenu en2019 la bourse InnovUP de BPI France) qui exploite pour vous la data afin de vous fournir des consultants experts dans ces domaines. Soucieux du bientre de nos collaborateurs et conscient des enjeux environnementaux nous nous engageons rduire notre empreinte carbone grce un processus de qualification de slection et dintgration 100%% digitale.
Prsentation de loffre :
- Secteur: Public
- Nombre danne dexperience: 5 8ans
- Contrat: CDI Mission
- Statut : Cadre
- La rmunration propose se situe entre 65k et 68k en fonction du niveau de sniorit du consultant et de sa matrise de langlais.
- Prime de panier repas : 5k brut annuel par an
- Dure de la mission:longue
- Lieude la mission:Paris
- Mission:Full Time
- Tltravail : 2 jours par semaine
- Bilingue Anglais : C1
- Profil habilitable : Nationalit ou double nationalit franaise obligatoire
Description and Deliverables of the Service
For one of our clients we are seeking a Solution Architect to work on digital retail solutions (appointment scheduling sales tablets etc.).
Within the IT department their responsibilities will include:
- Designing solutions while considering technical functional and business aspects.
- Creating the technical architectures for new projects in coordination with cloud architects.
- Designing multidomain solutions in collaboration with architects from other areas (retail CRM ecommerce etc.).
- Contributing to the development of corporate strategy and its implementation within the Digital Factory in conjunction with the enterprise architect.
- Promoting best practices within the company (cybersecurity green IT monitoring) in collaboration with product teams (POs developers).
- Building a community of technical leaders (architects lead developers) around a unified vision.
- Implementing the vision within the project scope (product teams POs developers QA etc.).
- Advising technical teams on daytoday technical decisions.
Required Expertise
Technical Expectations:
- Angular
- Java (Spring Boot)
- Swift
- Azure
- Azure DevOps
Other Expectations:
- A facilitator mindset with the ability to work iteratively.
- Strong communication skills capable of presenting their architectural vision clearly and concisely.
- Leadership skills attentive to others and approachable.
- Fluent in written and spoken French/English.