School Type: Private Elementary School
Location: Geoje City Gyeongsangnam do
Starting Date: March 2025
Teaching Age Group: Elementary School Students
Working Hours: MF 8:30 AM 4:30 PM
Salary: 2.3 million/won/mon (depends on your experience and qualification)
Vacation: About 8 weeks National Holidays
No. of native teacher: 6
Benefits: rentfree Furnished Single Housing(10 minutes by bus and school bus is running) Severance payment National Pension(50/50) Private Health insurance(50/50) One way ticket after the contract
Be a native English Speaker
Hold a passport from 7 English Speaking countries(USA UK CA IR AU NZ SA)
Hold a Bachelors degree from 7 English Speaking countries(USA UK CA IR AU NZ SA)
No Criminal history
Healthy(mentally physically)
Experienced teacher
TESOL certified
Rent free apartment
One way air ticket upon completion of contract
National Health insurance(50/50)
National pension(50/50)