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Vill du bli en del av ett fantastiskt team som utvecklar vrldsledande produkter som gr det enkelt att ta med de saker du bryr dig om enkelt skert och med stil nr du lever ett aktivt liv
r du en lagspelare som trivs i en hllbarhetsdriven milj dr du fr mjlighet att pverka designen och tekniken av produkter utvecklade fr att inspirera till ventyrligt campingliv!
Om ja s r du vlkommen att skicka in din anskan!
Thule Group fortstter att vxa och vi befinner oss i en av den mest ambitisa perioden i fretagets historia vad gller investering i produktutveckling i vra traditionella kategorier svl som i vra nyare kategorier som Adventure Camping (taktlt bakmonterade tlt och relaterade tillbehr).
Taktlt r gjorda fr campare som verkligen lskar ventyr. Den anvndarvnliga och innovativa monteringen gr det enkelt och snabbt att campa var som helst och deras hllbara konstruktion gr dem perfekta fr vildmarken.
Fr att ta taktlten till nsta niv med mer utrymme komfort och ventyr frstrker vi nu vrt ingenjrsteam med en konstruktr fr produktkategorin Adventure Camping.
Som Konstruktr p vrt globala center fr Produktutveckling belget i Hillerstorp fr du mjlighet att vidareutveckla din karrir tillsammans med ett fantastiskt team av mycket skickliga ingenjrer med hg teknisk kompetens och intresse fr de produkter som Thule Group utvecklar. Du kommer att arbeta med produkter i vrldskl samt f nya kunskaper och erfarenheter.
Som konstruktr p Thule Group fljer du hela produktutvecklingscykeln frn id till industrialisering vilket ger en mycket bra verblick och ett starkare gande till den produkt du fr nrvarande utvecklar.
Du kommer att utveckla nya produkter och komponenter med hg kvalitet inom kostnadsbudget och tidsplaner fr att mta marknadens krav. Du kommer ven att utvrdera tekniska lsningar med avseende p tillverkningsmetoder hllfasthetskrav kostnad och estetik.
Eftersom vi tror p praktisk produktutveckling har vi under de senaste ren investerat i en mycket modern prototypverkstad som gr att du som konstruerar snabbt kan g frn id till fysiska prototyper till hands vilket gr ditt arbete mer dynamiskt och mngsidigt.
Du arbetar i projektteam i nra samarbete med projektledare simuleringsingenjrer testingenjrer prototyptillverkare och andra konstruktrer samt andra resurser inom Thule Group.
Du lr dig nya saker kontinuerligt genom ditt dagliga arbete svl som frn Thules sammansttning av kunskapsteam fr alla viktiga discipliner
Du som sker:
Du har en akademisk examen som ingenjr eller motsvarande dokumenterad erfarenhet och ngra rs relevant arbetslivserfarenhet. Du r skicklig inom solidmodellering (grna Solid Works) avancerad detaljmodellering och/eller ytdesign.
Utver detta har du kunskap om material som stl aluminium och plast. Fr att lyckas i denna roll tror vi att du r ppen kommunikativ och gillar att samarbeta med andra. Samtidigt r du sjlvgende och kan driva dina projekt framt.
Vidare r det viktigt att du kan frst och bidra till genomtnkta och begripliga ritningar och specifikationer som underlttar tillverkningen av svl komponent som sammansttning av dem.
Eftersom vi har investerat i en toppmodern prototypverkstad tror vi att du tycker om att arbeta praktiskt nr det behvs.
Du r flytande i engelska (skriftligt och tal) d vi anvnder det i vr dagliga kommunikation.
Om vr globala produktutvecklingsavdelning
Globalt r vi ver 250 ingenjrer av merparten arbetar p vrt Globala center fr produktutveckling i Hillerstorp (Sverige). Vrt tvrfunktionella team bestr av mycket skickliga och motiverade medlemmar med en vlbalanserad variation av erfarenheter. Vi r ett verkligt globalt fretag med ett internationellt och multikulturellt team. Engelska r det sprk vi anvnder i vr dagliga kommunikation. Vi ser en stor framtid med fortsatt pion fr produktutveckling som r s avgrande fr vr tillvxt som fretag. Vi stter stort vrde i vr arbetsmilj och erbjuder fina lokaler utformade fr produktutveckling. I vrt Globala R&Dcenter i Hillerstorp har vi utkat med nya kontor landskap teamrum och kreativa omrden men ocks fantastiska prototypomrden inklusive smnadsverkstad och elektroniklabb.
Rollen rapporterar till ansvarig konstruktionschef (Roof top tent cargo winter / water) Daniel Karlsson ().
Daniel kan svara p detaljerade frgor angende tjnsten via epost.
Fr mer information om rekryteringsprocessen eller tjnsten vnligen kontakta ansvarig rekryterare Fredrik Stigbck eller.
Ansk via vr hemsida med CV och personligt brev. Vnta inte med att visa ditt intresse till sista anskningsdatum d intervjuer hlls lpande under processen och tjnsten kan komma att tillsttas innan sista anskningsdag som r den 22 oktober.
Advertise in English below:
Design Engineer Adventures Camping
Want to join an extraordinary team developing worldleading products that make it easy to bring along the things you care for easily securely and in style when living an active life
Are you a team player who thrives in a sustainabilitydriven environment where you will be given the opportunity to impact the design and technology of products designed to inspire adventurous camping life!
If Yes then you are welcome to submit your application!
Thule Group continues to grow and we are in the most ambitious period in the companys history in terms of product development investments in our traditional categories as well as in our newer categories such as Adventurous camping (roof top tents rear mounted tents and related accessories).
Roof top tents are made for campers who really love adventure. Their quick setup time means you can camp easily anywhere and their durable construction makes them perfect for the wilderness.
To take the roof top tent to the next level with more space more comfort and more adventure we are now strengthening our Engineering team with a Design Engineer for the product category Adventure Camping.
As a Design Engineer at our Global Product Development Center located in Hillerstorp you will have the opportunity to further develop your career together with a great team of highly sed engineers with a high level of technical expertise and interest for the products that Thule Group develops. You will work with worldcl products as well as gaining new knowledge and experiences.
As a Design Engineer at Thule Group you follow the complete Product development cycle from idea to industrialization that gives a very good overview and stronger ownership to the product you currently develop.
You will develop new products and components with high quality within targeted cost budget and time plans to meet market requirements of our consumer. You will also be evaluating technical solutions with respect to manufacturing ods strength requirements cost and aesthetics.
Since we believe in hands on product development we have over the last years invested in a very modern prototype workshop that allows you as a Designer to quickly move from idea to physical prototypes at hand which makes your work more dynamic and diverse.
You work in project teams in close cooperation with Project managers Simulation Engineers Test engineers Prototype makers and other Design Engineers as well as other resources within Thule Group.
You learn new things continuously though your daily work as well as from Thules setup with Knowledge teams for all important disciplines
Your profile:
You have an academic degree in engineering or equivalent doented experience and some years relevant work experience. You are sed in Solid Works advanced part modelling and/or surface design.
In addition to this you have knowledge of materials such as steel aluminum and plastics. To succeed in this role we believe you are openminded communicative and like to collaborate with others. On the same time you are selfdriven and can push your projects forward.
Furthermore it is important to understand and contribute to good understandable drawings and specifications and parts that are easy to manufacture.
Since we have invested in a state of the art prototype workshop facility we believe you enjoy working handson when needed.
We believe that you are fluent in English (written and in speech) as we use it in our daily communication.
We believe in strong team work both within your own team but also across teams. We strive to be an open and curious organization sharing our knowledge and inspiring one another. Within Thule Group you will find people who have a pion for the products we make and the outdoor company we are. We share the same values and we like to have fun. All of our employees have a joint responsibility to maintain that spirit and contribute to it.
About our Global Product Development Department
Globally we are over 250 engineers out of the majority is working in our Global Product Development Center in Hillerstorp (Sweden). Our cross functional team consists of highly sed and motivated members with a wellbalanced variety of experiences. We are a truly global company with an international and multicultural team. English is the language we use in our daily communication. We see a great future with continued pion for product development that is so vital for our growth as a company. We set great value in our working environment and offer great premises designed for product development. In our Global R&D center in Hillerstorp we have expanded with new offices landscapes team rooms and creative areas but also great prototype areas including cut & sew and electronics lab.
The role reports to our Manager Design Engineering (Roof top tent cargo winter / water) Daniel Karlsson ().
Daniel is able to answer detailed questions regarding the position by email.
For more information about the recruitment process or the position please contact the recruiter Fredrik Stigbck or
Please apply through our website with CV and personal letter. Do not wait to show your interest until the last application date as interviews are held continuously during the process and the position might be filled before the last application deadline which is October 22nd.
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