Knowledge and experience with DB2 Microsoft SQL Server and HANA
Provide primary database architectural and administrative support (Data Modeling Attribution Referential Integrity and Database Security);
Evaluate and recommend changes to the database environment based on analysis of the monitoring effort;
Oversee the physical database design including physical file characteristics backup and recovery requirements security requirements and physical space requirements dictated by the database design;
Recommend additional software based on the analysis of available software and Database Management System (DBMS) requirements;
Supervise the installation and testing of DBMS software; create and manage database objects
schemas views tables stored procedures triggers partitioning cluster and indexing strategies;
Provide the audit ability of the database to insure data integrity detection of missing data late transaction reporting and untimely error correction;
Evaluate and complete a conversion from one database to another database (structure and data);
Conduct backup and recovery via Image Copy Flashcopy etc.; reorganize databases;
Conduct performance monitoring and tuning.
Expertise and/or relevant experience in the following areas are mandatory:
Ten (10) plus years of expertise and/or relevant experience in the following areas:
Expertise and/or relevant experience in the following areas are desirable but not mandatory: