Nokia Small cell Scope of Work
- Check in/out in FCI or PAG before entering the hub or node.
- Load SW and SCF to all Airscale core Unit such as ASIA/ASIB/ASIL to provide remote connectivity to remote support team.
- Radio detection and troubleshooting integration related issues.
- Provide pre and post ground photos per customer requirements.
- Functional Call Testing at the site to confirm voice & data call flow.
- E911/PSAP call testing during integration for existing carriers moving to new baseband or if change in CGI.
- Drive testing using RF Mobile trace app to identify sector swap.
- Upload all data testing screenshot to TI to be processed to make report.
- Provision the new IXRe or reconfigure the existing one.
- Provide end of the day report every night.
- Be on site by 9 AM to start the activities.
- Track and report all work completed via Amdocs/TMO Apps etc.
Hub Installation:
- AMIA & VWM Installation
Execute site install of AMIA (ASIA/ASIB/ASIK/ABIL/ABIC/ASIL/ABIO) &VWM equipment on a site.
Inclusions for Site technicians
- Install AMIA and all its plugin units.
- Install VWM equipment and all SFPs and fiber jumper from ABIL/ABIC to VWM.
- Install fiber jumpers from patch panel to VWM.
- Install fiber jumpers and SFP in ASIA/ASIB/ASIK to CSR.
- Dressed all fibers cat6 and other cables installed using velcro
- Provide and install power cables (Black and Red) terminal lugs and breakers per system module.
- Provide and install grounding cables CAT6 and RJ45 for transport and run it to the CSR.
- Labels all AMIA/system module VWM all fiber jumpers and CAT6 on both ends and all power cables and breakers.
- Site cleanup all boxes and trash must be carried out from the site. Make sure site is clean before leaving the site.
- Use CATS mobility to scan all asset to the site.
- Install other materials components and equipment included in the set.
- Provide Close out package document that contain cabinet photos and other requirements.
- Pick up materials and equipments from TMobile warehouse and inventory in the storage.
- Scan all equipments with asset tag using CATS Mobility.
- Swap plugin units with new one for reconfiguration.
- Bring all swap out units back to storage and scan them to Amdocs placard.
- Take photos prephotos and post photos every start and end of the installation.
- Router Installation
- Execute site install of CSR (SAS MXP or IXRE) including materials on a site.
- Install CSRs SFPs and/or fiber jumpers for backhaul and system modules.
- Provide and install CAT6 and RJ45 for backhaul.
- Provide and install power cables breakers and terminal lugs per PSU.
- Label all power cables breakers fiber jumpers and CAT6 on both ends.