General practitioners and family physicians diagnose and treat the diseases physiological disorders and injuries of patients. They provide primary contact and continuous care toward the management of patients health. They usually work in private practice including group or team practices hospitals and clinics. Residents in training to be general practitioners or family physicians are included in this unit group.
Here are some of the main activities and tasks that General practitioners and family physicians have to perform and some of the physical demands they involve:
Examine patients and take their histories order laboratory tests Xrays and other diagnostic procedures and consult with other medical practitioners to evaluate patients physical and mental health
Prescribe and administer medications and treatments
Perform and assist in routine surgery
Provide emergency care
Provide acute care management
Vaccinate patients to prevent and treat diseases
Deliver babies and provide prenatal and postnatal care
Advise patients and their families on health care including health promotion disease illness and accident prevention
Provide counselling and support to patients and their families on a wide range of health and lifestyle issues
Perform patient advocacy role
Coordinate or manage primary patient care
Provide continuous care to patients
Supervise home care services
Report births deaths and contagious and other diseases to governmental authorities.
Physical demands Help Physical Demands
Workplaces and employers
Here are the typical workplaces where General practitioners and family physicians are employed and some of their main characteristics:
Private practice
Work environment Help Physical Work Environment
Indoors environmentally controlled
Biological agents
Physical proximity from others Help Physical proximity from others
Physically touching or very close
This is what you typically need for the job.
A bachelors degree or in Quebec completion of a college program and one year of premedicine university studies is usually required.
Graduation from an approved medical school and two to three years of family medicine residency training are required.
Completion of the qualifying examinations of the Medical Council of Canada or the Coll ge des m decins du Qu bec and licensing by the provincial or territorial licensing authority are required.
Source National Occupational Classification
Professional certification and licensing
If this occupation is regulated you may need to get a professional license from a regulatory authority before you can start working. Licensing can be compulsory or voluntary depending on the occupation.
If the licence is compulsory you must be certified before you can practise the occupation and use the professional designation.
If the licence is voluntary you don t need to be certified to practise this occupation.
This is what you typically need for the job. Nurse practitioners usually require a master's degree in nursing; or completion of a nursing program with additional advanced or extended primary health care nursing education; and several years of practice as a registered nurse. Registration with a regulatory body is required for nurse practitioners in all provinces and territories. Source National Occupational Classification Professional certification and licensing Ontario If this occupation is regulated, you may need to get a professional license from a regulatory authority before you can start working. Licensing can be compulsory or voluntary, depending on the occupation. If the licence is compulsory, you must be certified before you can practise the occupation and use the professional designation. If the licence is voluntary, you don t need to be certified to practise this occupation. Find out if this occupation is regulated and contact the regulatory authority to learn about the certification process. SKILLS PROFECIENCY OR COMPLEXITY LEVEL Social Perceptiveness 5 - Highest Level Coordinating 4 - High Level Instructing 4 - High Level Monitoring 4 - High Level Time Management 4 - High Level Writing 4 - High Level Reading Comprehension 4 - High Level Oral Communication: Active Listening 4 - High Level Oral Communication: Oral Comprehension 4 - High Level Oral Communication: Oral Expression 4 - High Level Personal Attributes Help - Personal Attributes Importance Service Orientation 5 - Extremely important Stress Tolerance 5 - Extremely important Concern for Others 5 - Extremely important Collaboration 5 - Extremely important Analytical Thinking 5 - Extremely important Attention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Active Learning 4 - Highly important Social Orientation 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Leadership 4 - Highly important Knowledge Help - Knowledge Knowledge level Physical Health 3 - Advanced Level Biology 2 - Intermediate Level Humanities 2 - Intermediate Level Client Service 2 - Intermediate Level Languages 2 - Intermediate Level Mathematics 2 - Intermediate Level Mental Health 2 - Intermediate Level Chemistry 1 - Basic Level Business Management 1 - Basic Level Clerical 1 - Basic Level