Application period 03-Jun-2024 to 17-Jun-2024
Functional Responsibilities:
Under the overall guidance of the Senior Project Manager, the National Coordinator, will closely report and coordinate with the national lead agency who will provide direct supervision and guidance, will have the following responsibilities:
National activities project coordination and technical guidance
- Guide the planning and of national activities (Outcomes 1.1 to 1.4) at the identified sites, including the application of best-practices, ensuring national teams and full stakeholder involvement;
- Support National Lead Agency in the integration and alignment of key national priorities, also including national implementation of global commitments such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Convention of Biological Diversity post 2020 framework and others as appropriate;
- Ensure that the design and of activities will achieve the agreed project targets, and flag any challenges to the Senior Project Manager;
- Compile data on the agreed ecological and socio-economic indicators and contribute to the regional database; and
- Conduct site visits and organize meetings with key partners and stakeholders.
- Coordinate and prepare detailed yearly workplans and budgets in line with standard agreed formats;
- Draft a national report on the status of SAP implementation from 2008-2020 in line with agreed guidance;
- Coordinate the update of the national reports on seagr, mangroves and wetlands, and land-based pollution, building upon previous reports and latest publications;
- Draft Quarterly progress and finance reports, and report on key challenges to project and propose solutions;
- Coordinate and prepare yearly report on co-financing with the support of the SCS SAP Project Coordination Unit; and
- Draft publications, reports, lessons learned and best practices for dissemination nationally and through the SCS SAP project web-site.
Stakeholder involvement and coordination
- Support the IMC Chairperson in the creation and/or organization of regular National Inter-Ministry Committees (IMC) on a biannual basis, in line with adopted TORs. Prepare meeting agenda, ensure participation of all key ministries and other national partners, and ask as secretary to the meeting. Draft short report in English;
- Support the NTWG chairperson in organizing regular National Technical Working Groups (NTWG) on a biannual basis, in line with adopted TORs. Prepare meeting agenda, ensure participation of all key ministries and other national partners, and ask as secretary to the meeting. Draft short report in English;
- Maintain up to date lists of all IMC, NTWG, National Committees and project key contacts and stakeholders, and provide regular updates to national contacts;
- Recommend and/or organize and support ad-hoc coordination meetings with national partners as required, including Fisheries Refugia, Small Grants Program, CBD and SDG focal points and with key national initiatives and projects; and
- Recommend and/or organize relevant training workshops to enhance capacity building to implement the SAP.
Provide support to regional meetings and activities
- Participate and support in key regional meetings: SCS SAP Steering Committee, Regional Scientific and Technical Committee and Regional Working Group and Task forces, as well as specific thematic regional meetings (i.e., for the updating of the TDA and SAP and others); Ensure national participation and contributions to reports submitted in time;
- Act as national focal point with IW:LEARN;
- Support activities with regards to private sector engagement and fund mobilization for future actions beyond 2024;
- Coordinate national inputs to the update of the Transboundary Diagnostic ysis (TDA) and SAP; and
- Contribute to other regional actions under Component 2 and 3 to be further elaborated in a national workplan.