Application Manager Jobs in Saint-Mandé

137 Jobs Found

Application Manager Jobs in Saint-Mandé

137 Jobs Found

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API Restauration cre en 1956 est aujourdhui le 4me acteur de la restauration collective en France.Avec ses 12 000 salaris notre groupe est en constant dveloppement.Notre devise Construisons ensemble par nos choix un avenir meilleur et faisonsle avec Passion !Dans le cadre de notre dv More...

Employer Active Posted on 18 Dec | Full Time | Easy Apply
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Full Time
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Speak our language!We are Lingoda. Our mission is to build bridges through lifechanging language learning.Lingoda is a fastgrowing online language school aspiring to provide a humancentric personalised and seamless learning experience unmatched by competitors.In our teacherled classes More...

Employer Active Posted on 17 Dec | Full Time | Easy Apply
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Rattach au Manager AR Accounting le Charg de facturation et de Recouvrement assure dune part lensemble de la facturation et dautre part le recouvrement des factures impayes pour le portefeuille de clients dont il a la charge.Vous aurez lopportunit dchanger en interne avec diffren More...

Employer Active Posted on 21 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply
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Description du posteLquipe Monitoring dUbisoft IT recherche un.e Monitoring Specialist Golang Developer pour soutenir nos quipes oprationnelles avec des solutions dobservabilit avances adaptes aux besoins exigeants des jeux en ligne dans un environnement cloud et virtualis.Lquipe Mon More...

Employer Active Posted on 14 Feb | Full-time | Easy Apply

Tax Counsel

Ubisoft - Saint-Mandé France
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In Ubisofts Administrative Department youll join the Accounting and Audit team for the French subsidiaries. Reporting to the Accounting Director at Ubisofts international headquarters you will work autonomously within your scope and support accounting teams.More specifically your resp More...

Employer Active Posted on 25 Dec | Full-time | Easy Apply

Rattach(e) au Responsable Commercial Rgions Nord vous aurez pour missions de grer et doptimiser un portefeuille de clients varis (clients industriels dpollueurs dmolisseurs dsamianteurs entreprises du BTP collectivits etc).Vous assurez le dveloppement commercial au sein des dpartement More...

Employer Active Posted on 12 Feb | Remote | Easy Apply
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We are seeking an experienced Technical Artist to join our team.The ideal candidate will bridge the gap between the art and development teams ensuring the seamless integration of visual assets while optimizing performance and maintaining high artistic standards.This role requires a st More...

Employer Active Posted on 25 Dec | Full-time | Easy Apply
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Au sein du sige des studios de cration dUbisoft vous intgrez lquipe Online Services. Cette quipe conoit produit et opre des applications communautaires pour nos joueureuses ainsi que des outils pour aider nos jeux dans leurs phases Live.Ambition du poste : Vous tes lune des rfrentes U More...

Employer Active Posted on 25 Dec | Remote | Easy Apply
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We are looking for a skilled Online Technical Director to lead the backend infrastructure for a AAA mobile project. Technically this is an mmo project based on a successful license. The backend is therefore very important. You will be accountable for all online aspects including budge More...

Employer Active Posted on 25 Dec | Full-time | Easy Apply
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Aprs une priode dintgration pendant laquelle vous vous familiariserez avec les diffrents rayons puis nos process et mthodes dans le rayon vous serez responsable de votre primtre. lcoute des besoins clients vous disposerez les produits et marchandises dans les rayons selon les consign More...

Employer Active Posted on 24 Dec | Remote | Easy Apply
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La division FSI (Banque Finance Assurance) de la branche Application Services du groupe INETUM recherche plusieurs DBA Oracle / postgresql H/F. Vous aurez galement lopportunit de participer court et moyen terme aux projets de Transformation vers une infrastructure en Cloud pri More...

Employer Active Posted on 17 Jan | Remote | Easy Apply

Sous la responsabilit de votre manager de rayon vous contribuez au dveloppement de vos rayons :Vous prenez plaisir accueillir renseigner et servir les clients sur vos stands en garantissant leur satisfaction. Vous les orientez vers les produits les plus adapts leurs besoins ;Vous va More...

Employer Active Posted on 24 Dec | Remote | Easy Apply

Aprs une priode dintgration pendant laquelle vous vous familiariserez avec les diffrents rayons puis nos process et mthodes dans le rayon vous serez responsable de votre primtre. lcoute des besoins clients vous disposerez les produits et marchandises dans les rayons selon les consign More...

Employer Active Posted on 21 Jan | Remote | Easy Apply

Aprs une priode dintgration pendant laquelle vous vous familiariserez avec les diffrents rayons puis nos process et mthodes dans le rayon vous serez responsable de votre primtre. lcoute des besoins clients vous disposerez les produits et marchandises dans les rayons selon les consign More...

Employer Active Posted on 24 Dec | Remote | Easy Apply
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You will join the Group Financial Planning team. as part of the Strategic Planning team we support the CEO in developing the groups strategic pillars creating the longterm plan supporting emerging strategic initiatives through financial modeling and analysis and exploring and promotin More...

Employer Active Posted on 07 Feb | Full-time | Easy Apply
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We are seeking an experienced Lead QA to join our team.The ideal candidate will be responsible for leading the QA team overseeing the testing and quality assurance processes and ensuring the delivery of a polished highquality gaming experience.This role requires strong leadership a ke More...

Employer Active Posted on 25 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply
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We are seeking an experienced Lead Gameplay Programmer to join our team.The ideal candidate will be responsible for leading the gameplay programming team overseeing the development and implementation of core gameplay systems and ensuring the delivery of highquality gaming experiences. More...

Employer Active Posted on 23 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply
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We are seeking an experienced Lead Gameplay Programmer to join our team.The ideal candidate will be responsible for leading the gameplay programming team overseeing the development and implementation of core gameplay systems and ensuring the delivery of highquality gaming experiences. More...

Employer Active Posted on 19 Feb | Full-time | Easy Apply
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Au sein de la division Solution ServiceNow et sous la supervision dun Manager et de nos Chefs de projet vous interviendrez dans le cadre de nos missions et projets de mise en uvre de la plateforme ServiceNow afin de procder loptimisation des activits de production de nos clients. Nou More...

Employer Active Posted on 08 Feb | Remote | Easy Apply

Storage Architect Wmnb

Ubisoft - Saint-Mandé France
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Ubisoft IT is seeking a Storage Architect to join the Infrastructure & Platform Architecture Team. As part of the architecture team you will be tasked to design technical solutions in line with technical strategy and the enterprise needs while supporting engineering teams.Responsi More...

Employer Active Posted on 28 Jan | Full-time | Easy Apply