CAF Kuwait

About CAF Kuwait

COMPANY is a socially driven company that captivates the art of social interaction through its community. Established in 2016, CAF views itself as more than just a coffee shop for regulars as it is designed to make a change in our society through movements of expression. Our symbol represents our process of refinement; thus we view our refinement process by erasing the impurities that arise during our process of development. Like a pyramid, we distil the subject from its crude state to its purest form. We offer a wide range of coffee in various forms, from our signature drinks to your classic coffee favourites; COMPANY has imprinted its mark into the Middle Eastern market through our unique flavours and culture. At the COMPANY, we believe in the power equality; thus, all individuals including minorities, foreigners, women and individuals of disabilities are welcome. We do not discriminate between genders, religions, race and more, as it is our duty to prevent any issues towards discrimination of any kind.