Working in the UAE for Expats: What You Need to Know Before Moving


Are you looking for ideal opportunities to work abroad? The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is likely one of the first countries on your list. The UAE is one of the most attractive global destinations for expatriates to work and live in, thanks to its thriving economy, modern infrastructure, and high level of security. Every year, millions of workers from around the world seek employment opportunities in the UAE. However, those seeking jobs in the UAE often have questions about the work and living conditions there. That's why we present to you today a guide to working in the UAE for expatriates: What you need to know before moving.

The UAE job market is characterized by diversity and inclusivity. Diversity means the availability of job opportunities across various sectors such as oil and gas, technology, education, tourism, and construction. Inclusivity means the presence of all categories of employees, from young professionals to seniors, representing different religions and nationalities. However, competition for jobs is fierce, especially for specialized positions in emerging fields such as artificial intelligence, digital transformation, and technology-dependent sectors. There is also strong competition in rare specializations due to the attractive benefits they offer. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare your resume professionally and be ready to face the challenges of the job market.

  • The most active sectors are energy, construction, financial services, and information technology.
  • Employment is based on internationally recognized skills and certifications.
  • English is the most commonly used language in work environments.
2. Work and Residence Requirements

To work in the UAE, you must obtain a work visa. This usually requires having a job offer from a registered company in the UAE. Your employer must handle all necessary procedures to obtain your work visa, including a medical examination, which is a prerequisite for obtaining residency in the UAE. Residency can be renewed annually based on the employment contract.

3. Culture and Social Environment

The UAE is one of the most culturally diverse Arab countries, where people from various nationalities and cultures live and work. If you decide to work in the UAE, it is important to have a deep understanding of the local culture and social customs to integrate into society. It is advisable to show respect for local customs, such as wearing modest clothing in public places and avoiding behavior that may be considered inappropriate. Compliance with local laws is, of course, mandatory.

4. Cost of Living

The cost of living in the UAE is considered high compared to some other countries in the region. However, the cost largely depends on the lifestyle you choose and the city you reside in.

  • Dubai and Abu Dhabi are the most expensive in terms of housing, but there are cheaper options in other cities like Sharjah and Ajman.
  • Transportation: You can rely on either private cars or public transportation.
  • Utilities: Electricity and water costs can be high, especially during the summer months.
5. Healthcare, Education, and Family Life

The UAE places significant importance on its healthcare system, featuring a developed healthcare network with world-class hospitals and medical centers.

  • It is recommended to have comprehensive health insurance to cover potentially high medical costs.
  • For expatriates bringing their families, the UAE provides a suitable environment for family life, including an advanced education system with international education options.
  • In terms of safety, the UAE is one of the safest countries in the region, with many family-friendly recreational activities available.
6. Legal System and Local Laws

Everyone must adhere to local laws in the UAE, where penalties are strictly enforced for violators, regardless of whether they are citizens or expatriates, and no matter their nationality.

  • The laws in the UAE may differ from those in your home country, so it is important to be aware of the laws governing public behavior.
  • Make sure to familiarize yourself with labor laws, which relate to workers' rights and working hours.
  • It is crucial to read contracts carefully before signing.
7. Career Opportunities and Stability

Despite the strict laws and the high cost of some services, the UAE offers significant opportunities for expatriates seeking professional success across a wide range of fields and specializations, with competitive salaries that match the high cost of services. Thanks to the UAE's ongoing focus on economic development and providing a supportive investment environment, you can find opportunities to grow your career and potentially start your own business. Regarding job security, the UAE is one of the most stable countries in the region, making it an ideal destination for those seeking job stability.

How to Find a Job in the UAE

Learn the Required Skills and Training
To increase your chances of securing a suitable job in the UAE, it is essential to learn the skills that are currently in high demand in the UAE, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analysis, cybersecurity, cloud computing, digital marketing, and project management. You can acquire these skills through local universities or online courses, especially those offered by Emirati initiatives. Earning recognized professional certifications can also significantly enhance your employment prospects.

Improve Your Resume
Your resume should be polished and tailored to match the professional standards of the UAE job market. Add skills that align with the jobs in demand in the UAE, and customize your resume for each job you apply for. For more guidance on how to tailor your resume, you can follow tips from Dr. Job. Additionally, you can seek assistance from recruitment experts at Dr. Job, who have a deep understanding of the UAE job market and can help you enhance and customize your resume with their Free Resume Review service from Dr.job.

Networking and Job Fairs
Focus on building professional networks through online work platforms like LinkedIn and specialized groups in your field on social media platforms like Facebook. Don’t miss out on attending industry-specific events such as conferences, seminars, and workshops, where some outstanding job opportunities may be presented.

Searching for Jobs Online

  • Follow official websites of UAE companies to find job openings as soon as they are announced, such as Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Emaar Properties, Etisalat Group, and First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB).
  • Monitor professional networks, the most popular being LinkedIn and GulfTalent, a platform that displays job opportunities in the Gulf region, including the UAE.
  • Check job listings in the UAE on Dr. Job's platform, where you can filter options by city, job title, type of work, and more.
Applying for Jobs Online

With countless jobs available on numerous platforms, how do you find the right job, know it’s legitimate, and apply to as many jobs as possible? To achieve all of this, Dr. Job offers AutoApply Jobs service.

What Does Dr. Job's Automatic Job Application Service Offer, and What Are the Benefits?

This service aims to save time and effort for job seekers by searching for all the jobs related to your field, then selecting the most suitable ones and automatically applying to them. This allows you to save time and focus on preparing for job interviews, which you’ll likely receive soon. The service also aims to facilitate and speed up the job search and application process, increasing your chances of finding a suitable job and receiving interview offers.

Benefits of Dr. Job's Automatic Job Application Service

  • Ensure you reach the right job: No more wasting time and effort logging into each recruitment platform. Simply set up your profile on Dr. Job's platform, and Dr. Job will search for jobs suitable for you, whether locally, globally, or based on the countries you choose. The service searches across all platforms and websites to ensure you reach as many suitable jobs as possible and applies to them automatically.
  • After the automatic job applications have been submitted based on your qualifications, you can review these applications anytime and choose to accept or reject them. You can also track the status of each application from the moment it is submitted until you receive an interview invitation from the employer.
  • Ensure access to reliable jobs only: Dr. Job’s support team consists of recruitment experts available to answer any inquiries or provide more details about the service.

Frequently Asked Questions About Working in the UAE for Expats: What You Need to Know Before Moving

What is social life like in the UAE?
The most notable feature of social life in the UAE is its cultural diversity, with residents representing over 200 nationalities. Numerous events and activities reflect this cultural diversity. The UAE also offers a tolerant social environment that provides opportunities for everyone, provided they respect local laws and customs.

What are the working hours and official holidays in the UAE?
Official working hours in the UAE typically range from 40 to 48 hours per week, with a weekend on Friday and Saturday in the government sector and Saturday and Sunday in some private companies. Official holidays include religious and national events such as Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and National Day.

What is the level of healthcare in the UAE?
The UAE is renowned for its high level of healthcare, featuring a developed healthcare system with world-class hospitals and medical centers. This level of care is available to everyone, both citizens and expatriates. However, for expatriates, it is recommended to have comprehensive health insurance to cover potentially high medical costs. Health insurance is often included in employment contracts.

What opportunities are available for entrepreneurship in the UAE?
The UAE provides a fertile environment that supports entrepreneurs and investors, with laws that facilitate company formation and offer numerous incentives. There are free zones in the UAE that allow 100% foreign ownership of companies, making the UAE an attractive destination for entrepreneurs.

Working in the UAE can be an incredibly rewarding experience, according to surveys of those who have already undertaken this journey. If you are well-prepared and informed about all the aspects mentioned in the previous guide on working in the UAE for expats, you can avoid any unpleasant surprises and enjoy a successful stay or work period in the UAE, with an excellent standard of living and comfortable work environments that promote professional growth.