Fake Recruiters! 6 Ways to Spot Them Online|Drjobpro.com


Fake recruiters- You are on the lookout for a job, and you've seen an ad for a vacancy that sounds perfect for your current skillset and experience level. Then, you decide to reach out to the recruiter listed on the job posting, wondering if this person is legitimate or a scam?

So, you decided to do some research on him, and surprisingly you found some red flags about it. What could those flags be? How can you ensure the legitimacy of the recruiter?

Here is a list of common tactics used by fake recruiters and how to spot them online (this doesn't include phone calls)

If you are a job seeker, be careful with these following bad recruiters on social media. And if you're a recruiter, don't get your client fooled by these scammers.

How Can a Fake Recruiter Hurdle Your Career Progress?

How Can a Fake Recruiter Hurdle Your Career Progress- Fake Recruiters! 6 Ways to Spot Them Online
Bad recruiters are everywhere. From online advertising to social media, they are out there looking to connect with job seekers.

What they want from candidates is essentially unlimited access to your professional life. No matter how good of a fit the position may be, the recruiters will try to set up appointments, make demands on time, or make you feel uncomfortable in your own company.

This type of behavior can be highly detrimental in the job search process as it can:

  1. Put you off reaching the proper recruiter.
  2. Wastes a great opportunity and gives it to a less talented candidate as you waste your time with an unsuitable person.
Bad recruits will try to use any means to get your attention, even if they have to lie about their qualifications.

They may try to pressure you to comply, promise a high salary if you accept a job offer, or threaten to cancel your interview if you don't follow through on their instructions.

Bad recruiters will attempt to use any means to get your attention, even lying about their qualifications.

They may attempt to pressure you into committing, promising a high pay grade if you agree to a job offer, or making threats about revoking your employment status if you don't carry out their instructions.

Telltale Signs That the Recruiter Is Fake

Red flags to help you detect recruiters who are not legit

Fake Recruiters! 6 Ways to Spot Them Online
Each day, thousands of job seekers post their CVs on websites such as Drjobpro.com. So, before approaching a recruiter, it's worth taking a walk through his social media accounts to find out what he likes, dislikes, and shares about candidates.

Use the below checklist to determine if the recruiter is genuine

  • Fake recruiters create jobs that do not exist
  • Fake recruiters present high salary job opportunities
  • Fake recruiters use photos of models or other people in their profiles
  • Fake recruiters put a lot of pressure on you to apply for the job/interview call
  • Fake recruiters online have unattractive social media accounts
  • Fake recruiters have no specific job title
  • Fake recruiters don't have any educational details
  • Fake recruiters' LinkedIn cover picture is a terrible image
  • Fake recruiters share the same comments on different profiles
  • Fake recruiters' LinkedIn profile is not accurate

Below are 6 proven ways that will help you spot the bad recruiters before getting trapped into their fake job opportunities.

Use Google to Track Fake Recruiters Social Media Accounts

Use Google to Track His Social Media Accounts- Fake Recruiters! 6 Ways to Spot Them Online
Google is easily one of the best tools for job seekers to find out what other job seekers are saying about jobs, companies, and organizations.

The best way to check if someone really is a recruiter is to search their name through Google with the phrase "his name recruiter." You will see a myriad of results from publically available information.

Do not be fooled into revealing personal information such as a home address, phone number, or email address.

The main way of detecting fakers is by looking at the URLs shared on their social media accounts.

You should also keep an eye on the frequency of updates, additions, and deletions, as these are indicators of a more professional account.

Verify the Recruiter's Profile On Social Media

Verify the Recruiter's Profile On Social Media- Fake Recruiters! 6 Ways to Spot Them Online
One easy way to tell whether a recruiter is genuine is by their social media activity.

When looking at someone's social media profile, always look at the following things: Who is he talking with? Is he active on each channel? Are there any obvious red flags, such as spammy posts or attitude?

Always verify the source of the information you're receiving. I always check out the recruiter's past posts to see if they have a vendetta against a specific business or person, for example.

Also, look for verified badges next to their names on Google or Facebook. These badges verify their identity.

Always assume any conversation you have with a recruiter is fake until proven otherwise.

It's always better to be safe than sorry.

On LinkedIn, there are several ways to spot fake or misleading profile recruiters. Many of them will submit a request for help that looks genuine but is actually a ploy to access your information.

The first sign that something may be amiss is if they use a different name or picture than their real profile.

Also, make sure there are no references to companies or services in their requests for assistance.

You can also search for specific keywords related to the position you're interested in and see if they appear in the job post or job description.

Spot the Fake Recruiter from His Job Ads

Spot the Fake Recruiter from His Job Ads
Not every job posting is created equal. This applies to job seekers as well as employers.

If the job posting doesn't provide valuable information that will attract a candidate, it will be difficult for both parties to make an informed decision.

The best way to spot a bad recruiter is by comparing it against other jobs posted in the same niche.

Ask yourself: "Is this job posting from a reputable source?" "Did the recruiter provide information that was clearly credible, including contact details?" If not, then there is a chance you are getting scammed.

Check If the Recruiter Is Unresponsive

Check If the Recruiter Is Unresponsive
Characteristics of unresponsive recruiters include:

  • After being contacted, not acknowledging follow-up queries, and failing to act despite repeated attempts, not taking action after being contacted.
  • If you contact them, they may not know what you want or where to send your resume.
  • They are also unlikely to pursue a relationship with you if they think you are wasting their time.
  • When a recruiter does respond, they may not give you the information you need or try to pressure you into moving quickly.
Instead, focus on improving your working relationships with other professionals you have access to.

Recognize The Fake Recruiter from His Behavior

Recognize The Fake Recruiter from His Behavior
Fake recruiters are professional misleaders who will use their skills for their own benefit and take advantage of you.

Their greatest skill is convincing others that they are knowledgeable and valuable.

These bad guys come from within companies and professional networks, but they often run away when someone discovers that they are swindlers.

They will use your personal information for their own gain. Also, they will try to pressure you to do something you don't want to do or threaten lawsuits if you don't comply.

Look for photo updates; if there's none or the info is dull, move on

Look for photo updates; if there's none or the info is dull, move on
One of the essential things to utilize when looking for a new job is social media. You need to see what the recruiter actually looks like in real life, not the photo on his company's website.

You can easily spot bad recruiters just by taking a look at their LinkedIn photo posts.

If the photo is outdated or doesn't have one, this might raise concerns.

And remember, Google is your friend.

It's free, and it will help you keep track of people you might be interested in knowing more about.

The other important thing to look at is his life story. What has he done lately? Is he settled into the role well? Has he achieved all his current goals?

These three things give you an idea of ​​the type of candidates they are looking for and whether they are a perfect fit for your personal values ​​and goals.

Also, be on the lookout for updates about their work. Are they actively seeking candidates? If not, it's probably a scam.

We hope this article helped you identify fake recruiters, to avoid them and warn others about them.

If you've any personal experience with a fake recruiter, share with us in the comments box below!

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